About the Journal


Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Short Title 


Abbreviated key-title

Chall. issue mod. sci.

ISSN (Online)






State Registration

By Resolution No. 2633 of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated August 29, 2024, the journal Challenges and Issues of Modern Science has been included in the Registry of Online Media as a digital periodical academic multilingual publication, scientific journal. Media Identifier: R40-05435. The journal has been included in the Register of Scientific Publications of Ukraine (IAS 'Ukrainian Scientific Periodicals') on November 18, 2024.


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)


49000, Naukova Street, 12, Dnipro, Ukraine


by the Faculty of Physics and Technology of DNU in 2023


Peer-Reviewed Article / Journal Article / Article contribution (International)

E-mail (Contact)





Aerospace Vehicles. Engines, Energy and Thermotechnics. Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. Structural and Functional Materials. Integrated Automation Technologies and Robotics. Control Systems, Telecommunications and Navigation. Information Technology and Cybersecurity. Project Management and Leadership. Market Synergy. Ecology, industrial and environmental safety


The journal Challenges and Issues of Modern Science is dedicated to an in-depth exploration of contemporary trends and global challenges in the scientific domain. The articles in this publication reflect the collaborative efforts of experts, researchers, and practitioners from various disciplines who have united to tackle the complex problems facing modern science. Through comprehensive analysis, empirical studies, and theoretical approaches, these contributions aim to shed light on emerging trends, propose innovative solutions, and foster dialogue on key issues shaping the future of science and technology. By encompassing the latest scientific achievements and ideas, the journal’s content serves as a valuable resource for scholars and professionals, advancing the development and application of knowledge.


The primary goal of the journal is to establish a platform for knowledge exchange between scientists and practitioners operating at the intersection of diverse disciplines, employing a comprehensive approach for analyzing challenges and synthesizing innovative solutions, further enriched by a focus on digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and the principles of sustainable development.


Challenges and Issues of Modern Science is an interdisciplinary academic publication that publishes original research papers dedicated to cutting-edge advancements across various interconnected fields. The journal welcomes submissions encompassing all stages of the life cycle of innovative products within mechanical engineering, applied mechanics, materials science, aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, and electronics — from conceptualization and design to realization, operation, and disposal. The aim is to enhance manufacturing processes, improve product quality, and ensure its resilience in contemporary production, considering the environmental impact, as well as economic, managerial, market, financial, and marketing strategies in conjunction with modern advancements in information technology, cybersecurity, automation, and robotics.

Subject Areas

Business and International Management. Management Information Systems. Management of Technology and Innovation. Marketing. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. Strategy and Management. Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management. Industrial Relations. Artificial Intelligence. Computational Theory and Mathematics. Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design. Computer Networks and Communications. Computer Science Applications. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Hardware and Architecture. Human-Computer Interaction. Information Systems. Signal Processing. Software. Information Systems and Management. Management Science and Operations Research. Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty. Economics. Economics and Econometrics. Finance. Energy Engineering and Power Technology. Fuel Technology. Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment. Aerospace Engineering. Computational Mechanics. Control and Systems Engineering. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Mechanics of Materials. Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality. Ecological Modeling. Environmental Engineering. Pollution. Waste Management and Disposal. Water Science and Technology. Biomaterials. Ceramics and Composites. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials. Materials Chemistry. Metals and Alloys. Polymers and Plastics. Surfaces, Coatings and Films.

Mode of Proceeding

Open access, Peer-reviewed, Regular

Review System

Editorial Peer Reviewer, Invited Peer Reviewer.
Anonymous Reviewer – Disclosed Author.


Semi-annual (twice a year from 2024)


Vol. 2 (82 articles), Vol. 3 (39 articles)


Vol. 1 (108 articles)

Persistent identifiers

Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL)PURL:https://purl.org/cims (Domain)

Digital Object Identifier DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/cims (journal-level-DOI, sometimes called the title-level-DOI)


Anatolii Sanin ORCID Scopus Web of Science , Dr.Sc., Prof., Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA, sanin@ftf.dnu.edu.ua

Deputy Editor-in-Chief / Managing Editor

Yurii Tkachov ORCID Scopus Web of Science , Cand.Sc., Assoc.Prof., Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA, tkachov@ftf.dnu.edu.ua

Editorial Board


Indexing, Abstracting and Archiving



CC BY 4.0

Open Access articles distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited


Author is Copyright Holder

Access policy

Online Open Access


English (preferred), Ukrainian


Structured abstract, approximately 300 words (1800–2200 characters with spaces)

Length of manuscript

The minimum length of the publication is 4 full pages according to the manuscript template (approximately 4000 words), excluding the first page, which contains the abstracts in two languages, and author information. As a result, the manuscript must include at least 5 full pages in total.

Length of Keywords

4–6 keywords or key phrases

Style of References

APA Style (7th ed.)

Price (publishing fee)

Free of charge for all articles