Oles Honchar Dnipro National University serves as the publisher of 28 scientific journals, covering a wide range of disciplines. All journals are officially included in the State Register of Media Entities, as required by Ukrainian legislation, and their registration was updated in 2024 in the database managed by the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting.
Actual problems automation and information technologies
Actual Problems of Native Jurisprudence
Anglistics and Americanistics
Biosystems Diversity
ISSN: 3083-5704
Challenges and Issues of Modern Science
Communications and Communicative Technologies
Ecology and noospherology
Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences
European Journal of Management Issues
ISSN: 2312-3036
From Baroque to Postmodernism: Contexts of the Epoch
Issues of steppe forestry and forest reclamation of soils
Journal of Chemistry and Technologies
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology
Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and Their Applications
Journal of Physics and Electronics
Journal of psychology research
ISSN: 2409-4056
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology
Modern Studies in German History
Philosophy and political science in the context of modern culture
Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling
Problems of Computational Mechanics and Strength Structures
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems
Researches in Mathematics
Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology
Системне проектування та аналіз характеристик аерокосмічної техніки
The Universe of History and Archeology
Ukrainian Sense
Legal Address for Editorial Control (Official address for correspondence):
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
49045, 72 Nauky Ave, Dnipro, Ukraine