Required Metadata


Metadata are data about data. They provide information about other data, allowing them to be better organized, found, preserved, and used. Metadata can include various characteristics such as authorship, creation date, format, size, keywords, content description, and more.

Usually, metadata remain hidden from website visitors because their presentation is unclear and not intended for human perception, but you can view them if you understand how to access the hidden side of a website. Metadata should ensure interoperability, meaning the ability of different systems to exchange and use these metadata together. Interoperability is achieved through the standardization of metadata formats and structures, allowing systems with different architectures and software platforms to interact correctly. One example of many metadata protocols responsible for the exchange of scientific information between journal websites, scientific search systems, repositories, and electronic libraries is OAI-PMH. For example, you can follow our journal’s service link ( and see how this metadata structure is organized. OAI-PMH is just one of the protocols supported by the Open Journal Systems platform.

Metadata are the foundation for organizing and searching scientific information. When you submit an article to a journal via Open Journal Systems, all the fields you fill out are essentially metadata. This data, such as title, authors, keywords, abstract, and references, helps other researchers easily find your work in the future. If you fill out all the fields carefully, it will not only increase the visibility of your article but also help make scientific research more accessible and useful for everyone.

In addition to metadata, the correct and careful formatting of bibliographic references is also of great importance. Bibliographic references are not just a list of sources but an important element of metadata that affects how your work, or the work of the authors you cite, will be cited by others. If bibliographic references are formatted accurately and according to standards, this increases the accuracy of citation counts, which in turn affects the journal's impact factor. Properly formatted references not only highlight your attention to detail but also contribute to the improvement of the scientific reputation of your work and the journal as a whole. So, pay due attention to this aspect, as it will determine how much your work will be noticed and recognized in the scientific community.

Carefully filling out metadata means that your article will be easily found in search systems such as Google Scholar, Crossref, DataCite, and various scientific databases. This is especially important for ensuring that your research is noticed and cited by other scientists. Additionally, when you add details such as relevant keywords and a good abstract, it helps other researchers quickly understand what your work is about and find it among many other publications.

Filling out all these fields may seem redundant or not so important, but in reality, it is a key step in ensuring that your article reaches a wider audience. It also helps the journal correctly catalog and archive your work on other resources, keeping it accessible in the future. In other words, high-quality metadata is the pathway to making your research visible, accessible, and recognized in the scientific community.

So, carefully fill in all the fields according to the instructions. Well-filled metadata is an investment in the future of your work, which can significantly increase its impact and citation.

Five steps of submission

Note for Authors

Please be aware that submissions must be made in both English and Ukrainian. To display the alternative language, make sure to select the appropriate option.

If you are not proficient in Ukrainian, when submitting your manuscript to the journal, please provide metadata in English only for both languages. There is no need to translate anything into Ukrainian. The editorial team will handle all necessary translations.

What is Needed?

The following metadata should be prepared for a successful submission:

  • Title of the manuscript
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Reference list, with each reference separated by an empty line.
  • Manuscript file formatted according to the template.
  • Information for each author:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Country
    • ORCID Profile Link
    • Affiliation from or another official registry.