Engines, Energy and Thermotechnics
The section is dedicated to publications that contribute to the development of energy technologies, particularly in the fields of electrical engineering, thermal energy, and renewable energy sources. Significant attention is given to research focused on improving the efficiency of energy systems, including advancements in generation, transmission, and storage processes. Issues related to the integration of renewable energy sources into energy systems, particularly the use of solar, wind, and hydro energy, are also highlighted. The section also covers topics related to the development of engines for aviation and rocket-space technology, including rocket engines and propulsion systems for aircraft, as well as avionics, which ensure the control of these systems. Interdisciplinary research that encompasses energy engineering, mechanics, electromechanics, and digital technologies for optimizing energy processes, as well as the development of innovative energy systems and management systems, is encouraged. The works presented in the section contribute to innovations and the advancement of technologies in the fields of energy and aerospace engineering.