Use of thermal energy for blowing fuel tanks of rocket engines
thermal energy, pressurization, fuel tanks, rocket enginesAbstract
The use of thermal energy for pressurizing fuel tanks in rocket propulsion systems is a crucial topic in the field of space technology. It encompasses various aspects of thermodynamics, materials engineering, and fluid and gas mechanics. This study examines the fundamental principles and methods of using thermal energy to pressurize fuel tanks, and proposes practical approaches. The research pertains to the field of rocket and space technology, specifically for pre-launch pressurization (PLP) of liquid rocket engines (LRE) in launch vehicles (LV). The goal of the research is to develop an algorithm for preliminary calculation of the PLP system by introducing thermal energy into the free volumes of fuel tanks. Methods of thermodynamics, laws of real gas, and the first law of thermodynamics regarding non-stationary processes are utilized. The processes occurring in the free volumes of the tanks during the implementation of the new PLP method are identified. These include free-convective thermal processes between the gas in the tank and the boundary surfaces. A method for the estimative calculations of the considered system is proposed, demonstrating the feasibility and, in certain cases, the advisability of this approach. A technical solution to the problem of increasing the gas pressure in the free volume of the tank to the required level, achieved by increasing the average mass temperature of the gas in this volume, is considered. This solution allows for effective control of gas pressure without the use of additional mechanical devices. The use of thermal energy is an important and promising area of research and development. It requires deep knowledge in various scientific and engineering disciplines, as well as innovative approaches to solving existing challenges. Further development will contribute to enhancing the efficiency and reliability of rocket systems, which, in turn, will open new opportunities for space exploration.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Юрій Мітіков, Максим Седченко, Євген Крупкін (Автор)

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