Article types

Applied Research

Applied Research articles focus on the practical application of scientific knowledge to solve specific, real-world problems. These articles typically include an introduction that outlines the problem and its significance, a literature review that contextualizes the research within existing studies, a methodology section that details the research design and procedures, a results section that presents the findings, and a discussion that interprets the results in the context of the problem. The conclusion should summarize the key findings and suggest practical implications, applications, or recommendations for future research. This structure helps authors clearly identify their work as applied research by emphasizing its practical utility and relevance to real-world issues.

Case Study

Case study articles focus on an in-depth analysis of a specific instance, event, individual, or group to illustrate broader principles or findings. These articles typically include an introduction that explains the case's significance and relevance, a literature review that places the case in the context of existing research, a detailed description of the case itself, and a methodology section that outlines the approach taken to analyze the case. The results section presents the findings from the analysis, and the discussion interprets these findings, linking them to broader concepts or theories. Conclusions summarize the key insights and suggest implications for practice or further research. This structure helps authors clearly identify their work as a case study, emphasizing its detailed examination of a specific instance to derive generalizable insights.

Conceptual Paper

Conceptual articles aim to advance theoretical understanding by proposing new frameworks, models, or theories, or by critically analyzing existing ones. These articles typically begin with an introduction that highlights the theoretical significance and objectives of the work, followed by a comprehensive literature review that situates the proposed concepts within the broader field of study. The main body presents the development of the new framework, model, or theory, including detailed explanations, assumptions, and justifications. The discussion section interprets the implications of the proposed concepts, compares them with existing theories, and suggests potential applications or directions for future research. Conclusions summarize the theoretical contributions and highlight the importance of the conceptual advancements made. This structure helps authors to clearly categorize their work as a conceptual article, focusing on theoretical innovation and development.

Data Paper

Data papers focus on the collection, description, and dissemination of datasets that are valuable to the scientific community. These articles typically begin with an introduction that outlines the significance of the dataset, its potential applications, and the research questions it can help address. The methodology section provides a detailed description of how the data was collected, processed, and validated, ensuring transparency and reproducibility. The main body of the paper presents the dataset itself, including tables, figures, and metadata that describe its structure and content. A discussion section may highlight the potential uses of the data, compare it with other datasets, and suggest directions for future research that can build on these data. Conclusions summarize the key features of the dataset and its contributions to the field. This structure allows authors to clearly identify their work as a data paper, emphasizing the importance and utility of the dataset provided.

Discussion Paper

Discussion papers are designed to stimulate debate and explore various perspectives on a specific topic or issue within a field of study. These articles usually start with an introduction that outlines the central topic or question, providing context and highlighting its relevance and significance. The main body of the paper is organized into sections that present different viewpoints, theories, or interpretations, often supported by evidence from existing literature or new data. Authors critically analyze these perspectives, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and may propose new hypotheses or frameworks. The discussion section synthesizes the various arguments, emphasizing the implications for the field and suggesting areas for further research or policy development. Conclusions summarize the key points discussed and their potential impact. This structure helps authors clearly define their work as a discussion paper, focusing on fostering dialogue and advancing understanding within the academic community.

Empirical Paper

Empirical articles are based on original research and involve the collection and analysis of data to answer specific research questions or test hypotheses. These articles typically begin with an introduction that outlines the research problem, the study's objectives, and its significance. The methodology section describes the research design, participants or subjects, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used. The results section presents the findings of the study, often accompanied by tables, graphs, or charts for clarity. The discussion interprets the results, linking them to existing literature, discussing their implications, and suggesting areas for future research. Conclusions summarize the main findings and their relevance to the field. This structure allows authors to clearly present their empirical research, emphasizing the data-driven nature of their work and its contributions to academic knowledge.

Hypothesis Paper

Hypothesis papers focus on proposing new hypotheses or theoretical models that aim to explain specific phenomena or advance understanding in a particular field. These articles usually begin with an introduction that outlines the background and context of the topic, identifies gaps in existing research, and articulates the proposed hypothesis or model. The literature review section provides a comprehensive overview of related research, demonstrating the need for the new hypothesis. The methodology section explains how the hypothesis can be tested, detailing potential research designs, data collection methods, and analytical techniques. Although these articles may not include original data, they discuss the implications of the hypothesis, potential applications, and suggest directions for future research. The conclusion summarizes the significance of the proposed hypothesis and its potential impact on the field. This structure helps authors clearly present their theoretical contributions and highlight the innovative aspects of their work.

Industry Paper

Industry papers focus on practical applications, case studies, or developments within a specific industry. These articles typically start with an introduction that highlights the relevance and importance of the topic to the industry, outlining the problem or challenge being addressed. The background section provides an overview of the industry context and existing solutions or technologies. The main body of the paper details the methods, processes, or innovations implemented, often supported by data, case studies, or examples from the industry. This section might also include comparisons with previous approaches or benchmarks. The discussion section evaluates the outcomes, impacts, and potential implications for the industry, including any lessons learned or best practices identified. The conclusion summarizes the key findings and suggests future directions or applications. This structure helps authors effectively communicate industry-specific insights and practical contributions to both academic and professional audiences.


A meta-analysis article systematically combines and analyzes data from multiple studies to draw more robust conclusions about a particular research question. The article begins with an introduction that outlines the research question, the rationale for conducting the meta-analysis, and the criteria for selecting studies. The methods section describes the search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the statistical techniques used to synthesize the data. The results section presents the aggregated findings, often including statistical summaries, forest plots, and subgroup analyses. The discussion interprets the results in the context of existing literature, highlighting the implications, strengths, and limitations of the analysis. The conclusion summarizes the main findings and suggests directions for future research. This structure allows authors to provide a comprehensive and quantitative review of existing evidence, offering valuable insights and guiding future studies.

Methodological Paper

A methodological article critically examines and discusses new methods, techniques, or approaches within a specific discipline or research field. It begins with an introduction that outlines the research problem or gap in current methodologies, emphasizing the need for innovation or improvement. The methodology section details the development or adaptation of the new method, including its theoretical underpinnings and practical application steps. It may include comparisons with existing methods to demonstrate advantages or limitations. Results, if applicable, may present case studies or pilot studies illustrating the method's effectiveness. The discussion interprets the implications of the new method, its potential impact on future research, and any challenges encountered during its development or implementation. The conclusion summarizes the method's contributions and suggests avenues for further refinement or application. This structure allows authors to contribute to advancing methodological practices within their field, offering insights into new tools or techniques that enhance research quality and reliability.

Perspective Paper

A perspective article provides a critical analysis or viewpoint on a specific topic, often offering novel insights, interpretations, or future directions within a field of study. It begins with an introduction that outlines the significance or relevance of the topic, identifying key issues or debates. The main body discusses the author's viewpoint, supported by relevant literature and examples, to argue for a particular stance or perspective. Perspectives may draw on empirical evidence, theoretical frameworks, or case studies to illustrate their arguments. Unlike empirical studies, they do not typically present new data or experiments but instead focus on synthesizing existing knowledge to propose new ideas or solutions. The conclusion summarizes the main arguments and implications of the perspective presented, highlighting its potential impact on future research or practice.

Position Paper

A position paper articulates a specific stance or viewpoint on a contentious issue within a scholarly field, aiming to influence the discourse or advocate for a particular position. It typically begins with an introduction that frames the issue and outlines its significance. The body of the paper presents arguments, supported by evidence from literature, data, or expert opinions, to justify the chosen position. Unlike research papers, position papers do not necessarily present new empirical findings but rather synthesize existing knowledge to support a coherent argument. They often include a critical analysis of counterarguments to strengthen their position. The conclusion summarizes the main points and emphasizes the implications of the stance taken, encouraging further discussion and consideration among scholars and practitioners.

Practitioner Paper

A practitioner paper focuses on practical applications and experiences within a specific professional field or industry, aiming to provide insights, lessons learned, and practical recommendations for practitioners. It typically begins with a contextual introduction, outlining the practical problem or issue addressed. The body of the paper details real-world experiences, case studies, or practical approaches used to tackle the problem, supported by relevant literature or theoretical frameworks. Unlike theoretical papers, practitioner papers emphasize the application of knowledge in real-world scenarios, often including reflective analyses and practical implications for professionals in the field. The conclusion summarizes key findings and may suggest future avenues for application or further research, contributing to the professional development and knowledge base of practitioners.

Replication Study

A replication study aims to reproduce and validate the findings of a previous study to confirm their reliability and generalizability. It begins with a clear introduction outlining the original study's objectives, methods, and key findings. The methodology section details how the replication was conducted, including any adjustments made to the original methods. Results compare the new findings with those of the original study, highlighting similarities or differences. Discussion interprets the implications of the replication results, assessing their consistency with the original findings and discussing any discrepancies. Conclusion summarizes the replication's contribution to the existing body of knowledge, emphasizing its significance for confirming or questioning the original study's conclusions and broadening the understanding of the researched phenomenon.


A review article synthesizes existing literature on a specific topic, providing a comprehensive overview, analysis, and evaluation of the accumulated research. It typically begins with an introduction that defines the scope and purpose of the review, highlighting key themes or questions addressed. The methodology section outlines how the literature search was conducted and criteria for selecting studies included. The main body organizes the discussion into thematic sections, summarizing findings from various sources, and critically examining their contributions to the field. Conclusion reflects on the overall state of knowledge, identifies gaps, and suggests future research directions, emphasizing the review's contribution to advancing understanding in the area.

Review of Methods

A review of methods article examines and evaluates various research methodologies employed within a specific field or discipline. It typically begins with an introduction that outlines the importance of methodological review in advancing knowledge and practice. The methodology section details the criteria for selecting methodologies to review, the systematic approach used for literature search, and the analysis framework applied to evaluate methodological strengths and weaknesses. The main body categorizes and compares different methodologies, highlighting their applications, strengths, limitations, and theoretical underpinnings. Conclusions summarize key findings, identify trends or gaps in methodological approaches, and propose recommendations for future research directions to enhance methodological rigor and innovation in the field.

Technical Note

A technical note is a concise article that focuses on a specific technical aspect or innovation within a field. It typically begins with a brief introduction to the problem or technical challenge addressed by the note. The methodology section outlines the approach or experimental setup used to investigate or develop the technical solution. Results present the findings or outcomes of the technical work, often including data, measurements, or illustrative examples. Discussion interprets the results in the context of existing knowledge or practices, highlighting the significance of the technical innovation or solution proposed. Conclusions summarize key points and may suggest practical applications or further research directions stemming from the technical note.

Theoretical Paper

A theoretical article presents a comprehensive examination and analysis of concepts, frameworks, or models within a specific field. It typically begins with an introduction that outlines the theoretical problem or question, including the background and significance. The literature review section synthesizes existing theories and research, identifying gaps or inconsistencies. The main body of the article develops new theoretical perspectives, hypotheses, or models, providing detailed argumentation and reasoning. This section often includes conceptual diagrams or illustrations to support the theoretical propositions. The discussion section critically evaluates the implications of the proposed theories, comparing them with existing knowledge and suggesting directions for future research. The conclusion summarizes the key theoretical contributions and their potential impact on the field.

Tutorial Paper

A tutorial article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to performing a specific task, process, or technique within a particular field. It typically begins with an introduction that outlines the purpose and scope of the tutorial, including any prerequisites or required knowledge. The main body of the article is divided into sequential sections, each focusing on a particular step or aspect of the process. These sections include detailed instructions, supported by diagrams, screenshots, or examples, to facilitate understanding. The tutorial often includes tips, warnings, and common pitfalls to avoid. The conclusion summarizes the key points and may provide additional resources for further learning. The structure is designed to be clear and practical, enabling readers to replicate the process independently.

Editorial Paper

An editorial article is typically written by the editor or editorial board and provides commentary or perspective on a specific topic, trend, or event relevant to the journal's field. It is usually shorter in length, aiming to highlight important issues, provoke thought, or provide a narrative on the direction of the journal or the field. The structure often includes an introduction to the topic, the main commentary or viewpoint, and a conclusion with potential implications or calls to action.