Information about article processing charges (APCs) or other associated costs

The journal Challenges and Issues of Modern Science does not charge any fees for submission, processing, or publication of articles. The waiver policy (a policy of fee exemption for authors, also referred to as fee waiver policy or APC waiver in some contexts) applies to all authors without exception.

Breakdown of Costs Supporting the Journal's Operations for Authors

Category Explanation Costs Covered by Total, USD
Domain and DNS Services Registration of the domain name, maintenance of DNS services, and allocation of a dedicated IP address Internet service provider 0
Hosting Services Electricity and internet connection costs associated with hosting the Journal’s website Publisher 0
Hosting Services Maintenance Costs associated with server maintenance, updates to system software, and regular website backups Managing Editor (on a voluntary basis) 0
SSL Certification Free SSL certificate provided by Let's Encrypt to ensure secure connections on the website Not Applicable 0
Software Licensing Open-source OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform, available at no cost Not Applicable 0
Publishing Platform Costs associated with the development, updates, management, and maintenance of the website, as well as technical support for authors Managing Editor (on a voluntary basis) 0
Plagiarism Screening Costs of plagiarism detection for submitted manuscripts Publisher 0
Submission Handling Costs related to processing article submissions, including administrative tasks and communication with authors Managing Editor (on a voluntary basis) 0
Editorial Workflow Costs related to editorial decisions, such as initial screening, handling revisions, and final approval Editorial Board Members (on a voluntary basis) 0
Peer Review Costs associated with organizing and managing the peer review process, including reviewer communication and selection Editorial Board Members and Invited Reviewers (on a voluntary basis) 0
Literary Review Costs associated with ensuring clarity, style, and language accuracy of the article content Language Review Editors (on a voluntary basis) 0
Technical Editing Costs related to ensuring proper formatting, references, and adherence to journal guidelines Managing Editors (on a voluntary basis) 0
Indexing Services Costs related to the inclusion of articles in indexing databases and scholarly search engines Publisher 0
Promotional Activities Costs associated with promoting journal content through newsletters, social media, or other communication channels Editorial Board Members (on a voluntary basis) 0
PURL Assignment Costs related to the generation and management of PURLs provided by Internet Archive Internet Archive (free of charge) 0
DOI Assignment Costs associated with the assignment of DOIs to publications (not currently implemented due to funding limitations) Looking for partners to fund DOI assignment via Crossref*

*Officially accredited Crossref sponsors in Ukraine charge 2.00 USD per DOI assignment. However, the final cost is higher due to additional fees, including bank transfer commissions and accounting services.