Editorial Team
The editorial board of the journal Challenges and Issues of Modern Science welcomes collaboration with leading scholars in relevant fields. Those interested in joining the editorial board are kindly invited to complete the consent form.
Journal Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
Anatolii Sanin
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Deputy Editor-in-Chief / Managing Editor
Yurii Tkachov
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Managing Editor
Yuliia Stasiuk
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio
Editors by Academic Specialty
C1 Economics (0311 Economics)
- Lead Knowledge Field Editor
Tetiana Grynko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Hanna Niameshchuk
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Nataliya Krasnikova
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Roman Ivanov
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Samira Abasova
Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Baku, AZ
► Bio - Associate Editor
Volodymyr Dzhyndzhoian
Private Institution of Higher Education “Dniprovskii University of the Humanities”: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olha Zinchenko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olexandr Shapurov
Zaporizhzhya National University: Zaporizhzhya, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olena Akymenko
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University: Chernihiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
D2 Finance, Banking, Insurance, and Stock Market (0412 Finance, banking and insurance)
- Associate Editor
Maryna Riabokin
Higher Education Institution Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology LLC: Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Yuliia Verheliuk
State Tax University: Irpin, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Vadym Polishchuk
Lutsk National Technical University: Lutsk, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Roman Pavlov
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Michele Oppioli
University of Turin: Turin, IT
► Bio - Associate Editor
Oksana Shkolenko
State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute": Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
D3 Management (0413 Management and administration)
- Associate Editor
Oleksandr P. Krupskуi
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Marin Georgiev
Black Sea Institute: Bourgas, BG
► Bio - Associate Editor
Kateryna Razumova
State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute": Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olha Petrenko
State University of Infrastructure and Technologies: Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Tetiana Hviniashvili
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
D5 Marketing (0414 Marketing and advertising)
- Associate Editor
Olena Chukurna
State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications: Odesa, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Rohit Bansal
Vaish College of Engineering: Rohtak, Haryana, IN
► Bio - Associate Editor
Silvia Costa Pinto
Fernando Pessoa University: Porto, PT
► Bio - Associate Editor
Inna Khomenko
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University: Chernihiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
D7 Trade (0416 Wholesale and retail sales)
- Associate Editor
Venelin Terziev
Black Sea Institute: Bourgas, BG
► Bio - Associate Editor
Radostin Vazov
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski": Sofia, BG
► Bio - Associate Editor
Ouail El Imrani
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University: Tétouan, MA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olha Mykhailenko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Nataliia Sapotnitska
Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute: Khmelnytskyi, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
F2 Software Engineering (0613 Software and applications development and analysis)
- Associate Editor
Bilal Al-Ahmad
St. Cloud State University: Saint Cloud, Minnesota, US
► Bio - Associate Editor
Svitlana Antonenko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Serhii Veretiuk
Polissia National University: Zhytomyr, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
F5 Cybersecurity and Information Protection (0612 Database and network design and administration)
- Associate Editor
Yevgen Kotukh
Dnipro University of Technology: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
F6 Information Systems and Technology (0612 Database and network design and administration)
- Associate Editor
Vita Kashtan
Dnipro University of Technology: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Liliia Bozhukha
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Dmytro Mozghovyi
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G2 Environmental Protection Technology (0712 Environmental Protection technology)
- Lead Knowledge Field Editor
Tetiana Rusakova
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Ganna Kalashnyk
Flight Academy of the National Aviation University: Kropyvnytskyi, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olha Medvedieva
M. S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Oleksandr Berlov
Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Polina Mashykhina
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Mykola Biliaiev
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Olena Levytska
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Nataliia Tkachuk
T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium": Chernihiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Liliya A. Frolova
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Lyudmila Demchyk
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University: Zhytomyr, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G3 Electrical Engineering (0713 Electricity and energy)
- Lead Knowledge Field Editor
Serhii Zirka
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Dennis Albert
OMICRON electronics GmbH: Klaus, AT
► Bio - Associate Editor
Stan Zurek
Megger (United Kingdom): Dover, GB
► Bio - Associate Editor
Mykola Pushkar
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”: Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Oleksii Babenko
Vinnytsia National Technical University: Vinnytsia, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G4 Power Generation Engineering by specializations (0713 Electricity and energy)
- Lead Knowledge Field Editor
Olha Ostapenko
Vinnytsia National Technical University: Vinnytsia, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Valerii Bucharskyi
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Anna Fedorenko
Odessa National Maritime University: Odesa, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Liudmyla Knysh
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Reagan Jean Jacques Molu
University of Douala: Douala, CM
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G7 Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies, and Robotics (0714 Electronics and automation)
- Associate Editor
Nataly Ashhepkova
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Nataliia Huliieva
Lutsk National Technical University: Lutsk, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Igor Gomilko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Yuliia Kulia
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics: Kharkiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Andrii Voitasyk
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding: Mykolaiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G8 Materials Science (0788 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction)
- Associate Editor
Andrij Milenin
AGH University of Krakow: Krakow, PL
► Bio - Associate Editor
Ganna Kononenko
Iron and Steel Institute of Z. I. Nekrasov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Nataliia Saienko
National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: Kharkiv, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G9 Applied Mechanics (0715 Mechanics and metal trades)
- Lead Knowledge Field Editor
Serhii Aleksieienko
Dnipro University of Technology: Dnipro, UA
► Bio
- Associate Editor
Farrukh Dekhkonov
Namangan State University: Namangan, UZ
► Bio - Associate Editor
Galyna Sokol
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Assistant Editor
Viktor Voloshko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G11 Mechanical Engineering by specializations (0715 Mechanics and metal trades)
- Associate Editor
Pavlo Krot
Wrocław University of Science and Technology: Wroclaw, PL
► Bio - Associate Editor
Artem Andrianov
University of Brasília: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, BR
► Bio - Associate Editor
Serhii Adzhamskyi
‘Transmag’ Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Oleksii Hrechanyi
Zaporizhzhya National University: Zaporizhzhya, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply
G12 Aerospace and Rocket Engineering (0716 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft)
- Associate Editor
Volodymyr Habrinets
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Teodora Petrova
Trakia University: Stara Zagora, Stara Zagora, BG
► Bio - Associate Editor
Oleksii Kulyk
А. М. Makarov National Youth Aerospace Education Center: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Volodymyr Lipovskyi
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Serhii Dolhopolov
The Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Assistant Editor
Vladyslav Proroka
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Assistant Editor
Oleh Bondarenko
Institute of Applied Control Systems of the NAS of Ukraine: Kyiv, UA
► Bio - Assistant Editor
Samir Vekilov
The Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine: Dnipro, UA
► Bio - Associate Editor
Qualified scholars are welcome to apply