Samira Abasova

Associate Editor
Associate Professor Samira Abasova
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Leader Researcher at the Department of Globalization and International Economic Relations
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA
Academic Profiles
Research Interests
innovation and technological advancement, economic transformation, investment promotion, higher education competitiveness, digital transformation
Representative Works
Abasova S., & Hasanzade R. (2025). Analysis of investment promotion in Azerbaijan's economic relations with the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science, 150.
Abasova, S. (2024). Competitiveness of Higher Education in Azerbaijan: Comparative Analysis with Former USSR’ Countries. Journal of Psychological Science and Research, 4(3).
Yuzbashiyeva, G., Abasova, S., & Yuzbashiyev, I. (2024). Innovations and Structural Problems of Industry: Comparative Analysis of Azerbaijan’s Indicators with Turkish Republics. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 358-366.
Yuzbashiyeva, G., Abasova, S., & Yuzbashiyev, I. (2024). The role of innovation in economy strengthening of Azerbaijan in the conditions of transition to Industry 5.0: on the example of a comparative analysis of indicators of some Eurasian countries. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(80), 71–81.
Abasova, S. (2023). ICT techniques in higher education: Azerbaijan experience in pandemic. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University Series Pedagogy and Psychology, 1(25), 174–183.
Abasova, S. (2023). Innovative transformations in higher education system of Azerbaijan in 2005/06 – 2022/23 academic years. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University Series Pedagogy and Psychology, 2(26), 7–16.
Abasova, S. (2023). Innovative Transformations of Science-Intensive Industries in the National Economy of Azerbaijan: from Engineering to a Developed ICT Sector. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 508-526.
Yuzbashiyeva, G. Z., Abasova, S. H., & Yuzbashiyev, İ. H. (2023). Innovative factors’ influencing to Azerbaijan national economy transformation. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology, 5(4), 217-227.
Abasova, S. (2022). Analysis and assessment of ICT innovations impact on competitiveness of foreign economic relations: Azerbaijan’s experience. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(67)), 29–36.
Abasova, S. H. qizi. (2022). Innovations and Tourism Sector’s Development in Lankaran Economic District of Azerbaijan in Pandemic Conditions. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Social and Labour Relations" (ISPC-CPSLR 2021).
Yuzbashiyeva, G. Z. qizi, & Abasova, S. H. qizi. (2022). Innovations and Investments as a Sources of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan in Pandemic Conditions. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Social and Labour Relations" (ISPC-CPSLR 2021).
Abasova, S. H., Safarov, R., & Yahya, S. (2020, August). Influence of Macroeconomic Indicators to State Marketing Activity Management of Azerbaijan National Economy. In The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (pp. 26-28).