Artem Andrianov

Associate Editor
Professor Artem Andrianov
Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty of Materials and Structures
Professor of the Aerospace Department
University of Brasília: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, BR
Academic Profiles
Research Interests
filament winding, design and construction of filament winding equipment, manufacturing and structural analysis of composite structures
Representative Works
Andrianov, A. (2023). A simplified analytical method for the computation of machine path in filament winding of axisymmetric structures: a case study on a bell-contoured rocket nozzle extension. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45(5).
Soares, H. D. de S., Miranda, M. R., & Andrianov, A. (2023). Aperfeiçoamento do cockpit de uma aeronave tipo ultraleve utilizando critérios ergonômicos. In Ensino, pesquisa e extensão: novos desafios e horizontes na difusão da ciência e do conhecimento (Vol. 2, pp. 19–30). Editora In Vivo.
Andrianov, A., & Militão, A. P. F. (2022). A Simplified Analytical Solution for the Computation of Machine Path in Filament Winding of Cylindrical Angle-Ply and Double-Double Structures. Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, 11, 45–53.
Andrianov, A., Tomita, E. K., Veras, C. A. G., & Telles, B. (2022). A Low-Cost Filament Winding Technology for University Laboratories and Startups. Polymers, 14(5), 1066.
Bertoldi, A. E. D. M., Veras, C. A. G., Shynkarenko, O., Andrianov, A., Lee, J., & Simone, D. (2022). Overview of the Past and Current Research on Hybrid Rocket Propulsion at the University of Brasília. 9ᵀᴴ European conference for aeronautics and space sciences (EUCASS).
Andrianov, A., Lee, J., Possa, G., & Silva, H. de O. (2020). Experimental Study of The Insulating Effectiveness of Silicone Rubber Composites by Oxyacetylene Ablation Testing. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, 12, 1–11.
Lee, J., De Morais Bertoldi, A. E., Andrianov, A., Borges, R. A., Veras, C. A. G., Battistini, S., Morita, T., & Hendrick, P. (2020). Role of Precombustion Chamber Design in Feed-System Coupled Instabilities of Hybrid Rockets. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 36(6), 796–805.
Andrianov, A., Lee, J., Shynkarenko, O., Simone, D., & Bertoldi, A. E. D. M. (2019). Experimental study of severity level of structural discontinuities in paraffin grains of hybrid propellant rocket. Acta Astronautica, 162, 256–265.