Development of Technologies and Scientific Challenges in Ukrainian Production of Pipes for Main Gas and Oil Pipelines
In 2014, the challenge for producers and consumers in Ukraine of electrically welded large-diameter pipes for main oil and gas pipelines was the shutdown of the Khartsyzk Pipe Plant, which produced more than 600,000 tons of such pipes per year, due to the occupation. Furthermore, as of July 1, 2023, the interstate standard GOST 20295-85 ceased to be valid in Ukraine.
In response to this challenge, a new modern production line for steel welded straight-seam pipes with diameters from 406.4 mm to 1422 mm was installed and put into operation in 2019-2021 at the enterprise with foreign investments, LLC NVP "UKRTRUBOIZOL" (Melioratyvne village, Dnipropetrovsk region). Its feature is the presence of a hydro-mechanical expander to ensure pipe expansion.
Attention was drawn to scientific issues related to determining the level of residual stresses in pipes at all stages of their production technology.
The aim of the paper is to highlight the development of technology and scientific challenges in the production of large-diameter straight-seam pipes for main gas and oil pipelines.
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