Venelin Terziev

Associate Editor
Expert-Researcher Venelin Terziev
Professor in the specialties of labor economicssocial sciencepolitical economynational securityhuman resource management
Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in National Security
Doctor of Science in Economics
Doctor of Science in Social Activities
Black Sea Institute: Bourgas, BG
Academic Profiles
Research Interests
social management, social security, national security and human resource management, as well as labor economics, social entrepreneurship
Representative Works
Okur Dincsoy, M., Can, H., Dinçoy, E. E., & Terziev, V. (2024). The Impact of Property Rights and Government Integrity on the Economic Freedom: The Case of the European Region, the BRICS Countries, and the USA. Available at SSRN 4905470.
Terziev, V. (2021). Management control as an effective instrument in implementation of the social program. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the 30th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference (pp. 87-100). Springer International Publishing.
Terziev, V. (2024). A System of Indicators as a Measurement of the Contribution of Science to Our Social Development. Available at SSRN 4904432.
Terziev, V. (2024). Active Transformations of Existing Social Systems and Public Development. Available at SSRN 4762491.
Terziev, V. (2024). Balanced Scorecard as A Management Improvement Tool. Available at SSRN 4792223.
Terziev, V. (2024). Global transformations and formation of new social systems. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 15(1), 1109–1127.
Terziev, V. (2024). The development of higher education in Bulgaria and the emerging crises. Available at SSRN 4792216.
Terziev, V. (2024). The New Social Leaders and Their Influence On The Formation of The New Social Systems. Available at SSRN 4771933.
Terziev, V. (2024). Transforming Social Systems and Structures in Conditions Of Dynamic Crises. Available at SSRN 4792224.
Terziev, V. (2024, May). The new social systems-myth or reality. In 2nd RSEP International Multidisciplinary Conference (pp. 28-29).
Terziev, V., & Simeon, S. (2024). Social Inequalities in the New Social Systems. Available at SSRN 4908576.
Terziev, V., & Vasileva, S. (2024). Generation Z–Digital Education and Social Media. Available at SSRN 4784477.
Albekov, A. U., Parkhomenko, T. V., Polubotko, A. A., & Terziev, V. K. (2023). New Trends in the Sustainable Development of Logistics Systems During the Impact of COVID-19. In Climate-Smart Innovation: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in the Environmental Economy (pp. 319-328).
Georgiev, M. P., & Terziev, V. K. (2023). The Labor Market Policies and Social Development in Bulgaria. In Optimizing Energy Efficiency During a Global Energy Crisis (pp. 239-281). IGI Global.
Klimuk, V., Terziev, V., & Kopytich, I. G. (2023). Assessment of the effectiveness of the development of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus in the vector of the knowledge-based economy. Journal of Xidian University, 17(2).
Klimuk, V., Terziev, V., & Kopytich, I. G. (2023). Tools for the development of Belarusian-Chinese scientific and innovative cooperation. Journal of Xidian University, 17(1).
Terziev, V. (2023). Determining the so-called 'Good Practices' by the Academic Ethics Committee. Available at SSRN 4688262.
Terziev, V. (2023). Literature as History and Education In the Modern Bulgarian Society of the 20th Century. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 8(24), 213-218.
Terziev, V. (2023). Socialization of the personality in the process of education and realization of the individual. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education.
Terziev, V. (2023). Universities – a new way for development. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education.
Terziev, V. K. (2023). Innovation Development of Industrial Business Organizations. In Optimizing Energy Efficiency During a Global Energy Crisis (pp. 282-306). IGI Global.
Terziev, V., & Georgiev, M. (2023). Challenges to active social policies in Bulgaria. Gabriell-e-lit, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Terziev, V., & Solovev, D. (2023). Development of the education system in Bulgaria in a period of economic transformations. International scientific and practical conference “Innovative technologies in agriculture”, 2921, 020064.
Vovchenko, N. G., Andreeva, O. V., Dmitrieva, V. D., Kaptsova, V. S., & Terziev, V. K. (2023). Technological, Economic, and Social Changes: The Role of End-to-End Technologies. In Technological Trends in the AI Economy: International Review and Ways of Adaptation (pp. 13-20). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Terziev, V. (2022). Ethical Education Commission—Functioning, Legal Framework and Ethics. Legal Framework and Ethics (June 14, 2022).
Terziev, V. (2022). Shared knowledge and presentation of the research results in specialised scientific publications. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 24–29.
Terziev, V. (2022). The role of education in socialization of an individual. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 70–75.
Terziev, V. (2022). Vocational education - professionalism, compliance, challenges. IJAEDU - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 225–230.
Terziev, V., & Solovev, D. B. (2022, February). Analysis of the Management of Sector “Security” as Part of the Strategic Management of Bulgaria. In Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference" FarEastСon 2021" (pp. 95-111). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Solovev, D. B., Kuzora, S. S., & Terziev, V. (2021). Simulation-based methodical approach to applying managerial decisions in innovation. In Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference" FarEastСon 2020" (pp. 1-11). Springer Singapore.
Terziev, V., Georgiev, M., & Solovev, D. B. (2021). National Employment Plan in Bulgaria and Opportunities for Change as a Result of COVID-19. In Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference" FarEastСon 2020" (pp. 1165-1176). Springer Singapore.
Terziev, V., Georgiev, M., & Solovev, D. B. (2021). Revolution or Evolution is the Inevitable Change in Bulgaria. In Proceeding of the International Science and Technology Conference" FarEastСon 2020" (pp. 1159-1164). Springer Singapore.
Terziev, V. (2020, August). The Bulgarian labor market in a period of extraordinary crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic. In 18th RSEP International Economics, Finance & Business Conference–Virtual/Online (pp. 26-27).
Terziev, V., & Petkova-Georgieva, S. (2020). Basic Conditions for Implementation of an Effective Strategic Decision Support System at a Hospital. Available at SSRN 3603167.
Terziev, V., & Petkova-Georgieva, S. (2020). Bulgarian Health System Cost Assessment Methods Application for the Decision'Make or Buy'. Proceedings of INTCESS.
Terziev, V., & Petkova-Georgieva, S. (2020). Testing the Cost Assessment Methods Application at a Hospital for the Decision ‘Make or Buy’. Available at SSRN 3603178.
Terziev, V., Bencheva, N., Stoeva, T., & Georgiev, M. (2020). Developing social entrepreneurship in the EU: a cross-country analysis. Available at SSRN 3603159.
Terziev, V., Dimitrovski, R., Pushova, L., Georgiev, M., & Denis, S. (2020). Change management and digital age training. Available at SSRN 3525698.
Terziev, V., Georgiev, M., & Denis, S. (2020). Management control in implementation of the social program. Available at SSRN 3525690.
Terziev, V., Georgiev, M., & Denis, S. (2020). Regulating social development and the concept of controlling. Available at SSRN 3525695.
Terziev, V., Lyubcheva, M., & Denis, S. (2020). The interaction: business-education-investment for development. Available at SSRN 3603185.
Terziev, V., Redom, K., & Denis, S. (2020). Role of ethics in decision making in public and private organizations. Available at SSRN 3603174.
Terziev, V., Redom, K., & Denis, S. (2020). The Planning Process during Military Decision. Available at SSRN 3525669.
Terziev, V., & Bogdanova, M. (2019). The academic capitalism and the new business model of the universities. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 5(15), 286-292.
Terziev, V., & Petkova-Georgieva, S. (2019). Human health prevention by detection and quantification of toxic chemical compounds. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(15).
Terziev, V., & Petrova, T. (2019). Analysis of the Methods for Registration of Images Received from the Information Systems of Non-Motorized Aircrafts. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(15).
Terziev, V., & Stoeva, T. (2019). Structural Changes and Prospects of the Development of Vegetable Production in Bulgaria. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(15).
Terziev, V., Bogdanova, M., Kanev, D., & Georgiev, M. (2019). Uses of the strategic card in the republic of Bulgaria’s land forces. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(15).
Terziev, V., Sotirov, B., & Boris, S. (2019). Preconditions for increasing the effectiveness of work activity according to the health and safety at work. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(15).