Oleksandr P. Krupskyi

Associate Editor
Associate Professor Oleksandr P. Krupskyi

Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 19.00.01 General Psychology, History of Psychology
Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and International Management
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Email: scavr@ua.fm

Academic Profiles

ORCID Scopus Web of Science Google Scholar ResearchGate SciProfiles SSRN RePec

Research Interests
organizational culture, professional culture, service management, healthcare management, leadership, management psychology

Representative Works


Cunha, M. N., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2024). Inteligência social: desvendando a ciência das relações humanas. In Cultura and identity perspectives in the human sciences (pp. 74-98). Editora Cotemporânea. https://doi.org/10.56083/edcont.978-65-982396-0-2

Krasnikova, N., Ivanov, R., Krupskyi, O. P., & Dzyad, O. (2024). Factors for Reducing the Global Gender Gap. Economic Studies journal, (5), 82-99. https://ideas.repec.org/a/bas/econst/y2024i5p82-99.html

Vazov, R., Kanazireva, R., Grynko, T. V., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2024). Strategies for Healthcare Disaster Management in the Context of Technology Innovation: the Case of Bulgaria. Медичні Перспективи, 29(2), 215–228. https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2024.2.307703

Куліш, А., & Крупський, О. (2024). Удосконалення маркетингових комунікацій бізнес-організації. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science2, 422-431. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/181


Chornobylskyi, A., Kyrylova, O., Krupskyi, O., & Khotiun, L. (2023). Social Sharing of Emotions in Social Media System on the Example of Creepypasta on Reddit. Information & Media, 96, 65–79. https://doi.org/10.15388/im.2023.96.66

Cunha, M., & Krupskyi, O. (2023). When the Sensory World is Set Aside! The New Fantastic World of Luxury. Economics: Time Realities, 6(70), 44–53. https://doi.org/10.15276/etr.06.2023.6

Hudoshnyk, O. V., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2023). Медійні можливості коміксів: сучасні інструменти формування та представлення організаційної культури. European Journal of Management Issues, 31(1), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.15421/192304

Hudoshnyk, O., & Krupskyi, O. (2023). Practices of using Rapid Response Collecting by Ukrainian museums in wartime. Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 11(2), 5–16. https://doi.org/10.46284/mkd.2023.11.2.1

Krupskyi, O. P., & Stasiuk, Y. M. (2023). Storytelling as a tool for forming and supporting organisational culture in medical institutions. Communications and Communicative Technologies, 23, 134–144. https://doi.org/10.15421/292321

Krupskyi, O., & Stasiuk, Y. (2023). Peculiarities of application of marketing technologies in the medical sphere. Economic Analysis, 33(3), 202–212. Internet Archive. https://doi.org/10.35774/econa2023.03.202

Krupskyi, O., Stasiuk, Yu., & Levenets, A. (2023). Peculiarities of managing gaming communities on the example of Minecraft clans. Bulletin of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, 105, 44–56. https://doi.org/10.26565/2311-2379-2023-105-05

Lavrentieva, O., & Krupskyi O. (2023). Methods for the training of future it specialists in strategic and tactical activities in business organizations. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”, 1(25), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.32342/2522-4115-2023-1-25-6

Sviatenko, T., Gogunska, I., Krupskyi, O., Ihnatova, T., & Bilyk, L. (2023). Functioning of Healthcare Facilities under the Martial Law. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 26(3), 21–27. https://ejournal.khazar.org/index.php/kjhss/article/view/87

Vivek, R., Nanthagopan, Y., Piriyatharshan, S., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2023). Teaching practices in the new normal: qualitative inquiry (Sri Lanka case). Advanced Education, 11(23), 170–189. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.290370

Vorobiova, V., Krupskyi, O., & Stasiuk, Y. (2023). The Role of Digital Technologies in Modern Trade: a Study of Global Trends and Prospects for Ukraine. Economic Journal Odessa Polytechnic University, 2(24), 44–55. https://doi.org/10.15276/ej.02.2023.5

Vorontsova, A., Vasylieva, T., Grynko, T., Korneyev, M., Krupskyi, O., & Nebaba, N. (2023). Covid-19 and tourism impact assessment: cluster analysis for Europe region. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 31(4), 773–783. https://doi.org/10.15421/112272

Карпюк, З., Крупський, О., & Стасюк, Ю. (2023). Prospects for the development of social responsibility based on the experience of global pharmaceutical companies. “Scientific Notes of the University”KROK", 1, 136–151. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-69-9-136-151

Крупський, О. П., & Стасюк, Ю. М. (2023). Організація корпоративного стилю медичного закладу: функції та складові. Time Description of Economic Reforms, 1, 87–95. https://doi.org/10.32620/cher.2023.1.11

Крупський, О. П., & Стасюк, Ю. М. (2023). Управління ризиками суб’єктів підприємництва в сучасних умовах господарювання. In Підприємництво: сучасні виклики, тренди та трансформації (pp. 202–224). Видавець Біла К. О. https://tinyurl.com/978-617-645-510-3

Крупський, О. П., Воробйова, В. В., & Стасюк, Ю. М. (2023). Перспективи використання чат GPT у маркетингу. Time Description of Economic Reforms, 3, 89–97. https://doi.org/10.32620/cher.2023.3.11

Семенова, Д., & Крупський, О. (2023). Вплив спеціальних умов на соціально-психологічний клімат у трудовому колективі. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science1, 438-445. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/86


Bogodistov, Y., Moormann, J., Sibbel, R., Krupskyi, O. P., & Hromtseva, O. (2022). Process maturity and patient orientation in times of a health system reform. Business Process Management Journal, 28(1), 258–272. https://doi.org/10.1108/bpmj-09-2020-0428

Borysiuk, I., Yaremkevych, R., Sviatenko, T., Striukov, V., & Krupskуi, O. (2022). El impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la educación de los estudiantes de medicina. Apuntes Universitarios, 13(1), 164–189. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v13i1.1322

Holei, Y., Stasiuk, Y., & Krupskyi, О. (2022). Research on world trends in biotechnology development. Innovative Economy, 1, 12–22. https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2022.1.2

Hudoshnyk, O., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2022). Science and comics: from popularization to the discipline of Comics Studies. History of Science and Technology, 12(2), 210–230. https://doi.org/10.32703/2415-7422-2022-12-2-210-230

Krupskyi, O. P., Stasiuk, Y. M., Hromtseva, O. V., & Lubenets, N. V. (2022). Вплив емоційної праці сімейних лікарів на рівень їх благополуччя та задоволення працею. European Journal of Management Issues, 30(4), 215–223. https://doi.org/10.15421/192218

Makedon, V. V., Krasnikova, N., Krupskyi, O. P., & Stasiuk, Y. (2022). Arrangement of digital leadership strategy by corporate structures: a review. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 31(8), 19–40. https://tinyurl.com/2-s2-0-85143514408

Redko, V. Y., Krasnikova, N. O., & Krupskyi, O. P. (2022). Overtourism Effect Management in Destinations. In Valeri, M. (Ed.), Tourism Risk (pp. 199–219). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80117-708-520221014