Improving marketing communications of a business organization
marketing communication, corporate communication policy, marketing communications strategy, audience segmentationAbstract
In today's economic environment, effective marketing communication is becoming extremely important. The flow of information is growing rapidly, and the competitiveness of any business depends on it. The role of marketing in the process of supporting goods on the market is only growing. Today, marketing communications occupy a leading position in competitive strategies. This is due to the peculiarities of the modern marketing environment in Ukraine. The effective use of marketing communications becomes the basis for creating a sustainable positive image of the enterprise, provides it with market power and facilitates access to the necessary resources. Currently, the issue of optimizing corporate communication policy is particularly relevant. Most domestic enterprises have insufficiently developed marketing communications. They often do not have clear communication strategies, planning and control systems, are not supported by relevant information, and sometimes even face problems in subjective evaluation of results. Therefore, one of the key tasks for every business is to rationally combine different communication strategies to achieve the best results at the lowest cost. An effective communication policy is becoming a prerequisite for corporate success in the market .Analytics is a necessary element for continuous improvement of marketing communications. Monitoring and analyzing the results helps to identify the effectiveness of various activities and adjust the strategy. Interaction with consumers is becoming an increasingly important component of successful marketing communications. Listening to customers and receiving open feedback helps build positive relationships. The analysis has revealed several key aspects that contribute to the improvement of marketing communications in modern business. Developing a marketing communications strategy is becoming a crucial stage of successful marketing activities. Every business organization must have a clear strategy that meets its goals and market specifics. Audience segmentation helps companies create more individualized communications that better meet the needs and expectations of customers.
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