Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Marketing



Green marketing is the promotion of environmentally safe, i.e., more environmentally sustainable products and technologies. It involves the development and dissemination of solutions that minimize negative impact on the environment. Green marketing is a comprehensive concept that arises from the forced necessity to create business strategies aimed at social responsibility and oriented towards people who prefer environmentally friendly products. Polonsky and Rosenberger believe that green marketing is a holistic, comprehensive approach that constantly reviews how firms can achieve corporate goals and meet consumer needs while minimizing long-term environmental damage. Peattie argues that green marketing is used to develop marketing initiatives aimed at reducing the negative social and environmental impact of existing products and production systems and promoting less harmful products and services. Green marketing is a set of marketing strategies and measures designed and created to facilitate operations with goods and/or services to meet the needs and desires of environmentally conscious consumers. Therefore, the method of production, commercialization, distribution, and sale of products and/or services should take into account the interests of consumers in environmental protection and sustainable development. Increasingly, the concept of "green marketing" is associated with the ideas of the circular economy.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Albatova, A., & Krupskyi, O. (2023). Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Marketing. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 319-323.


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