The role of social networks in the process of personnel selection in crisis conditions
Modern economic conditions are characterized by a high level of competition among business participants, becoming increasingly complex due to economic, political, and labor factors. The availability of professional human resources in sufficient quantities is an important factor affecting the competitiveness of an enterprise. To effectively manage personnel in a crisis, a team of professional HR specialists should be created, starting with the recruitment process.
In the HR policy of any enterprise, the recruitment process plays a crucial role. The personnel is the foundation of the enterprise, as all labor processes that make up the production process are carried out thanks to them. How well a person adapts to work in a new position and how well they adhere to the norms and rules accepted at the enterprise determines the further effectiveness of their work.
Recruitment is an integral part of personnel management, necessary for every company, and requires the use of a large portion of the enterprise's resources—informational, human, financial. Most importantly, the recruitment process requires time. With insufficiently organized recruitment procedures, an HR manager spends a lot of time, causing the company to lose money spent on searching for suitable candidates and the loss of profits, customers, resources, etc. Only correctly selected employees can perform their work well, so organizations should attach great importance to the recruitment process.
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