The peculiarities of medical management development in Ukraine
Medical management is the field of health care management that includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources of health care organizations to achieve specific goals and objectives in this field. On the other hand, medical management is considered a set of principles, methods, tools, and forms of managing a medical institution that ensure the growth of the effectiveness of providing medical services and increasing the profit of the medical institution. The main tasks are to improve the quality of medical services, optimize the use of resources, both material and non-material, develop and train medical personnel, and achieve the long-term goals of the organization. The development and implementation of medical management depend entirely on the local regulatory framework and government support, which makes the practice of managing such organizations simultaneously partially dependent and relatively free from regulation.
It is worth noting that the model of providing medical services in Ukraine is based on the system of general state medicine. Within such a distribution, the state provides free access of all citizens to basic medical services, as well as finances it from the budget revenues and medical insurance funds. The features of implementing medical management depend on the retrospective basis of the development of such a direction of activity in accordance with the peculiarities of each country, as it is necessary to take into account the algorithm of political action, social features, level of funding, citizens' incomes, etc.
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