An Innovative Approach to Managing Intercultural Teams



intercultural teams, globalization, international trade, management, cultural differences, creative thinking, innovation, efficiency, cooperation, communication


Due to the rapid development of digital technologies and the resulting globalisation processes, international trade is increasing and international business relationships are becoming more complex. Intercultural teams are becoming increasingly common in today's globalised work environment, where organisations operate in different countries and regions and employees often collaborate remotely or in a multinational environment. It is intercultural teams that can give a company an advantage when interacting with customers from different cultures and developing products that meet local needs. Another significant advantage is the diversity of perspectives and experiences of intercultural team members, which fosters creative thinking and successful innovation. Intercultural teams also have a significant impact on improving mutual understanding and increasing cooperation between countries and cultures. However, they can also face challenges that arise from differences in communication style, work ethics and organisational habits. Managing intercultural teams requires attention to aspects such as significant cultural differences, different ways of perceiving information, diverse work approaches and decision-making. Innovative approaches to managing intercultural teams include using the latest technology to facilitate communication and collaboration, embracing the principles of mutual respect and openness, and applying flexible management methods that allow for adaptation to the cultural backgrounds of team members.  Innovative approaches help to solve the problems of intercultural communication, ensuring effective information exchange and improved understanding between different cultures. Such management approaches help to create more effective and cohesive teams that work in a global environment and achieve better results. It is innovative approaches to intercultural management that are becoming a key factor in the success of companies in today's global business.


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Project Management and Leadership

How to Cite

Vorobiova, V., & Krupskyi, O. (2024). An Innovative Approach to Managing Intercultural Teams. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 353-357.


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