Roman Ivanov

Roman Ivanov

Associate Editor
Professor Roman Ivanov

Doctor of Economics Science in the specialty 08.00.11 – Mathematical Methods, Models, and Information Technologies in Economics
Professor at the Department of Economic Modeling, Accounting, and Statistics
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, UA


Academic Profiles

ORCID Scopus Web of Science Google Scholar ResearchGate

Research Interests
economic and mathematical modeling of social and economic processes, systems, and developments

Representative Works

Krasnikova, N., Ivanov, R., Krupskyi, O. P., & Dzyad, O. (2024). Factors for Reducing the Global Gender Gap. Economic Studies journal, 33(5), 82-99.

Іванов, Р., & Гуртовий, Ю. (2024). Теоретичне обґрунтування системи факторів, що впливають на розвиток сільського господарства: український контекст. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science3, 223-235.

Іванов, Р., Іванов, К., & Базик, О. (2024). Сутність, особливості та перспективи індустрії спорту в контексті сталого розвитку. Економіка та суспільство, (65).

Ivanov, R., Hurtovyi, Y., & Ivanov, K. (2024). Problems of the Organic Agricultural Production Development as Threats to Ukraine’s Economic Security. European Journal of Management Issues, 32(2), 115–130.

Ivanov, R. V., Grynko, T. V., Porokhnya, V. M., Maksyshko, N. K., & Oglih, V. V. (2023). Model aspect of the study of the processes of sustainable development of socio-economic systems. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1254(1), 012123.

Ivanov, R. V., & Hurtovyi, Y. V. (2023). Agricultural Development Management in the Context of Ukraine’s Foreign Economic Security. European Journal of Management Issues, 31(3), 160–176.

Ivanov, R. V., Grynko, T. V., Porokhnya, V. M., Pavlov, R. A., & Golovkova, L. S. (2022). Model substantiation of strategies of economic behavior in the context of increasing negative impact of environmental factors in the context of sustainable development. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1049(1), 012041.

Porokhnya, V. M., Penev, V., Ivanov, R. V., & Kravchenko, V. (2022). A flexible machine learning model for optimizing organizational capital development strategies and resource allocation. In M3E2-MLPEED (pp. 95-109).

Кишакевич, Б., Максишко, Н., Іванов, Р., & Мігулка, О. (2022). Оцінка ефективності за витратами та прибутком лізингових компаній України на основі SFA-моделей. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 5(46), 195–208.

Ivanov, R., Sherstennikov, Y., Porokhnya, V., & Grynko, T. (2021). Mathematical model for imitation of management of the enterprise’s logistical system. SHS Web of Conferences, 107, 10004.

Ivanov, R. V., Volkova, V. V., & Koval, O. S. (2021). Model Assessment of the Financial Stability of Travel Industry Entities with Reference to Sustainable Development. The problems of economy, 3(49), 153–159.

Ivanov, R. V., Sherstennikov, Y. V., Porokhnya, V. M., & Grynko, T. V. (2021). Modelling the logistics system of an enterprise producing two type of goods. In M3E2-MLPEED (pp. 235-254).

Ivanov, R. V., & Grynko, T. V. (2021). Модельна оцінка результативності інноваційної діяльності економічного суб’єкту в контексті сталого розвитку (на прикладі домогосподарства). European Journal of Management Issues, 29(4), 192–199.

Ivanov, R. V., & Maksyshko, N. K. (2021). Model Assessment of Interaction between Banking and Insurance Segments of the Financial Market. European Journal of Management Issues, 29(2), 101–108.

Ivanov, R. (2021). Conceptual Model of the Subject of Circular Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development. Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Economic Sciences, 6(39), 17–27.