Assessment of Road Traffic Danger



Road Traffic Safety remains a relevant daily issue in every country, especially in Ukraine. The number of road accidents is influenced by a multitude of factors: road conditions, lighting, presence of road signs and markings, placement of pedestrian crossings where most convenient for pedestrians, presence of dividing lanes, pedestrian paths, and bike lanes, availability of convenient parking, well-maintained shoulders, vehicle conditions, and awareness of all road users. Ukraine has adopted a transport strategy that creates the necessary conditions to meet the needs of transport users for transport services [1-2]. The study provides an analysis of road user behavior to identify appropriate strategies and measures to reduce dangerous traffic situations and improve road safety [3].

Assessing the dynamics of changes in the factors affecting the number of road traffic accidents as a safety factor in the city. The development of a transport strategy to increase the safety level of all road users is based on a statistical assessment and analysis of the number of road traffic accidents with casualties, the number of fatalities and injuries, taking into account their interconnection and causes.


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Міністерство розвитку громад, територій та інфраструктури України. URL: (дата звернення: 01.06.2023).

Ngoc A. М, Truong M. Т. Towards the Development of Traffic Safety Strategies in Developing Countries: Analysis of Road Users’ Perspective An Minh Ngoca. Transportation Research Procedia. 2020. Vol. 48. P. 1278–1287.

Статистика. Патрульна поліція України. URL: (дата звернення: 20.05.2023).





Ecology, industrial and environmental safety

How to Cite

Rusakova, T. (2023). Assessment of Road Traffic Danger. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 574-579.
