European Principles of Green Economy in Automotive Engineering



The first and most important advantage of modern automotive engineering remains the pursuit of environmental friendliness. This can be considered the most important because today the whole world is under tremendous pressure on automakers to reduce harmful emissions from internal combustion engines. Current Euro-6 standards are difficult to meet in developed countries. For example, Ford was forced to discontinue some popular models simply because it cannot "prove" its engines to Euro-6, but no one cares. Production and sale of vehicles under previous environmental standards are prohibited.

Due to the need for a significant reduction in emissions of pollutants in exhaust gases, almost all major manufacturers are changing their model range. In addition, new measurement methods are being introduced worldwide. As a result, the inspection has become very stringent. It used to be sufficient to demonstrate on the stands that the engine emits emissions within the allowed limits of the norm, and then conduct computer modeling, but now cars are additionally tested in real conditions, making the indicator more accurate. Strict restrictions also apply to diesel engines. An internal combustion engine is only 30% efficient, with a large part of the energy lost as heat and noise. Many countries have already banned diesel vehicles from entering city centers. On certain roads and in entire districts, the movement of diesel vehicles has already been periodically stopped. In other words, diesel engines were once considered cost-effective due to their high fuel efficiency, but now there are many doubts about this.


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Костюк А. Основні тренди сучасного автомобілебудування. URL: (дата звернення: 28.05.2023).

Ріґерт Б., Бурдига І. Європа ставить на електромобілі. Про-щання з ДВЗ йде важко – DW – 16.02.2023. URL: (дата звернення: 28.05.2023).

Скарбик П. Що потрібно знати про електромобілі. uamotors. URL: (дата звернення: 28.05.2023).





Ecology, industrial and environmental safety

How to Cite

Harazha, B., & Smyrnova, T. (2023). European Principles of Green Economy in Automotive Engineering. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 580-584.
