Decision Support Information Technology in Video Surveillance and Monitoring Tasks



video surveillance, artificial intelligence, information technology, privacy


In today's world, video surveillance plays a crucial role in ensuring security and control in various sectors. One of the key elements of this technology is automated video analysis, which utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms for object recognition, behavior analysis, and anomaly detection. This article discusses the information technology of decision support in video surveillance and monitoring tasks in response to the growing volume of video data, identifying its key advantages and challenges. Integration of video data with geospatial information is discussed, enabling the creation of comprehensive monitoring systems and prompt response to emergencies. Furthermore, the issues related to continuous workload and monotony, which may affect the quality and effectiveness of human decision-making, are examined. The article emphasizes the importance of optimizing workflow and using decision support systems to mitigate the impact of monotony on making informed decisions. Addressing these risks is crucial to ensuring the efficiency and validity of decisions made in today's world. Attention is also drawn to the role of information technology in decision support (ITDS) in the field of video surveillance and monitoring, which is crucial for optimizing data analysis processes. It is noted that video analytics systems are a key component of ITDS for detecting events, objects, and patterns in video streams. The issues of privacy and confidentiality of individuals depicted in videos are examined in detail, along with recommendations for protecting this data. It is emphasized that the collection and processing of video data can violate personal privacy, so it is important to take measures to minimize this risk. Finally, the importance of the direction and scalability of video surveillance from an ethical and effective perspective is highlighted. It is noted that clear goal definition and scope limitation are key to ensuring ethical use of video surveillance systems. This article offers important recommendations for ensuring ethical use of video data in video surveillance and monitoring systems, which is crucial for protecting the privacy and security of citizens' data.


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Information Technology and Cybersecurity

How to Cite

Sukovenko, K. (2024). Decision Support Information Technology in Video Surveillance and Monitoring Tasks. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 305-311.
