Determination of model functional dependencies of eco-safety optimization and management for tailings dumps slope structures
eco-safety, alluvial massifs, tailings dumps, geomechanical studiesAbstract
The problems of eco-safety of alluvial massifs of tailings dumps of various industries intersects with the tasks of rational nature management, based on geomechanical studies, aimed at improving the structural parameters of hydraulic impoundments and dams. A necessary conditions for the development of environmentally safe technological solutions for the formation of technogenic alluvial massifs is the consideration of geophysical, engineering-geological, hydrogeological and mining-technical factors that determine the state and nature of possible changes in the environment. The implementation of interrelationships of these factors with the design parameters of the alluvial facilities of tailings dumps allows to ensure the preliminary level of eco-safety at the stages of making design decisions. The further existence and development of the tailings dumps slope structures, combined with the progress of means and measures to influence safety parameters in general, and eco-safety parameters in particular, of the alluvial tailings systems of the tailings dumps forms a system for managing its condition. As a result of research, functional dependencies were formed for models of optimization and management of eco-safety of tailings dumps slope structures. Constructed functional dependencies can be used to solve several types of problems and the basis for building methods and models: 1) achieving a given level of eco-safety and design operational parameters of tailings dumps slope structures by means of managing the properties and state of alluvial strata during their formation due to joint hydraulic filling of soil layers with different properties; 2) prediction of the eco-safe behavior over time of alluvial massifs slope structures corresponding to all stages of its formation; 3) substantiation of eco-oriented technologies for the formation of alluvial massifs, rates of construction of drainage systems, clarification of the order of possible remediation, and others.
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