Features of production of "glass" type parts under the conditions of different types of production



machining, heat treatment, laser technology, glass production


This report examines in detail and detail such a part as a glass, its purpose and methods of use in various industries. Particular attention is paid to the materials from which this part can be made, as well as methods for producing blanks for glass-type parts in various types of production, such as mass, batch and individual production. The main attention is paid to a detailed description of the various materials used to manufacture these parts and the methods for their production. The report covers the specifics of machining a glass part, including the selection and setup of various types of machines suitable for machining this part. Specific examples of machine tool manufacturers who specialize in processing glass-type parts are provided, which helps to better understand the market and the possibilities of choosing the optimal equipment for different production conditions. Various methods and technologies of machining are considered, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the specifics of using certain machines, depending on the requirements for the final product. In addition, the report focuses on the heat treatment of glass-type parts, with special emphasis on the use of laser heat treatment. The various types of laser processing are discussed in detail, including their advantages, innovative aspects, and potential for improving production efficiency. The advantages of using laser technology are considered, such as increased accuracy, improved surface quality and reduced production costs. The features and nuances of laser heat treatment of glass-type parts are described, which allows us to gain a more complete understanding of the application of this technology in the modern production process. The report also includes a discussion of the advantages of using laser heat treatment compared to traditional heat treatment methods, and analyzes the innovativeness of the technology and its impact on production processes. Specific examples of the use of laser heat treatment in various industries, its impact on the quality of the final product and economic efficiency are discussed. As a result, the presented report provides a comprehensive under.


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Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering

How to Cite

Seliutin, M., & Bondarenko, O. (2024). Features of production of "glass" type parts under the conditions of different types of production. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 135-140. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/148
