Status and engineering trends of machine-building industry of Ukraine during the war (2014 – 2023)
machinebuilding industry, competitiveness, innovative activity, equipment modernizationAbstract
The article investigates the current state and tendencies of development of the machinebuilding industry of Ukraine in the conditions of unbalanced, raw material-oriented economy. Its leading role in shaping the production potential of other sectors of the economy and ensuring the scientific and technological progress of the country has been established. The sectoral structure of the economy and the dynamics of production volumes of the machinebuilding industry over a number of years in its comparison with the industrial complex as a whole are analyzed. It has been determined that it is more sensitive to the effects of destabilizing environmental factors, as evidenced by the negative trends in the number of enterprises in the studied economic sector, and a significant proportion of unprofitable economic entities. On the basis of data on the dynamics of the indices of competitiveness of machine-building of Ukraine in the foreign market, it is concluded that there is no competitive advantage. The main factors limiting the development and modernization of the studied industry are outlined, the main problems of its operation are identified: outdated equipment, poor quality and competitiveness of products, lack of financial resources and investments, crisis situation of the domestic economy. The approximate list of possible directions of stabilization of a negative situation which has developed in the machine-building industry, the main of which are the following: the modernization of equipment and standardization of production, activation of innovative activity, increase of knowledge intensity and reduction of consumption of production capacity, development of effective state programs for restoration of competitiveness industry. It is established that an adequate set of measures should be carried out not only at the macro level, but also at the enterprise level, and include the development and implementation of effective development strategies that would take into account the state of production potential of enterprises, help to minimize environmental threats and realize its capabilities.
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