Forthcoming Articles in Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Forthcoming Articles in Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Articles included in Forthcoming have already undergone peer review and editing, and have also been approved for publication in the next issue of the journal, but its release has not yet taken place according to the publication schedule. This approach allows articles to be made available to the scientific community in advance, without having to wait for the scheduled publication date.

In international practice, this editorial workflow is referred to by terms such as Ahead of Print, Online First, Articles in Press, Early View, In Press, and Early Access. This means that the article has already been officially accepted, made available online, and can be cited, but its final placement in the next issue has not yet been determined, as the submission process for that issue is still ongoing.

Once the next issue is finalized, the article will receive a new version linked to it, and its version in Forthcoming will no longer be displayed.

We are currently testing this approach, as it is new to our journal. If it functions correctly, we will implement this publication model on a permanent basis.

Published: 2025-02-01

Control Systems, Telecommunications and Navigation

Ecology, industrial and environmental safety