Waste as Resources: Material Recycling for Sustainable Development of the Aerospace Industry
Material recycling in the aviation and space technology industry is an important issue that requires serious research and development. This problem arises due to the increasing amount of used materials, waste, and components. Ensuring sustainable development of the aviation and space industry requires effective strategies for material recycling that will provide economic efficiency, reduce negative environmental impact, and preserve natural resources.
The aviation and space industries have a significant impact on the environment due to greenhouse gas emissions and the use of limited resources. Material recycling helps reduce the use of natural resources, lower energy consumption, and decrease emissions of harmful substances. Recycling and using recycled materials can significantly reduce costs for new materials, which is especially important in high-tech industries with complex and expensive products.
The use of new materials without an effective recycling and reuse system can lead to a large accumulation of waste and used components, requiring significant costs for their collection, disposal, and management.
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