Ukrainian Research Schools Negative Thermal Factors at Workplaces
A very important issue in the context of the negative impact of excess thermal radiation on the health of people working in production. This is especially relevant in industries where there is a high risk of burns, overheating of the body and other thermal injuries.
Protecting the health of workers in production exposed to excessive thermal radiation requires a comprehensive approach, which includes both technical and organizational measures. For example, it is necessary to install special ventilation and air conditioning systems, ensure a sufficient level of lighting and protection from direct sunlight, as well as use special clothing and personal protective equipment, for example, helmets with ventilation, special suits, glasses, masks, etc.
In addition to technical measures, it is important to develop and follow appropriate workplace safety procedures and rules. For example, it is necessary to regularly carry out inspections and maintenance of equipment, train employees in safety rules and use of personal protective equipment, as well as monitor the work schedule and duration of rest breaks.
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