Study of Properties of Austenitic Steel in the Initial State
austenitic steel, microstructure, embrittlement, mechanical properties, machinabilityAbstract
High-manganese steel is characterized by a stable austenitic structure over a wide temperature range and the ability to strengthen during mechanical deformation. However, factors such as unstable mechanical properties in the initial state, susceptibility to thermal embrittlement, and poor machinability hinder its widespread use. This study investigates the effect of temperature-time parameters on the structure and properties of 9Г28Ю9МВБ steel. It was found that during slow cooling from temperatures of hot deformation, a large number of coarse phase particles of gray-blue color are precipitated in the steel, leading to a sharp decrease in impact toughness. It has been established that in the temperature range of 500-800 °C, the decomposition of the solid solution occurs with the precipitation of particles of the strengthening K-phase - (Fe,Mn)3AL,Cx. Simultaneous decrease in hardness and impact toughness in the temperature range of 750-950 °C contributes significantly to improved machinability. The lowest values of mechanical properties are achieved during aging at 700 °C, with the maximum improvement in machinability compared to other aging temperatures. For example, with an increase in the temperature of isothermal holding at 650 °C for 35 hours, the machinability improves by almost 1.7 times, and at the same duration at 700 °C - by 2.4 times. With an increase in the holding temperature to 950 °C for 35 hours, the machinability of the steel increases only by 1.6 times, which is due to less intensive decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution. Studies of the effect of annealing temperature on the uniformity of austenitic steel allowed to develop a heat treatment regimen for 9Г28Ю9МВБ austenitic steel, which includes heating to 1250°C, holding for 2 hours at this temperature, and subsequent cooling in water to fix a homogeneous supersaturated solid solution. After such heat treatment, the stripe-like microchemical inhomogeneity is significantly reduced, and the anisotropy coefficient does not exceed 1.1 units for all types of steel products.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Сергій Божко, Анатолій Санін, Юрій Ткачов, Віктор Хуторний (Автор)

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