Criteria for the Efficiency of Enterprise Personnel Management: Wartime Realities
personnel management, recruitment and selection, training and development, employee motivationAbstract
The report presented in the text focuses on a comprehensive analysis and consideration of personnel management problems in organizations. The authors argue for the need for a systematic approach to solving these problems and provide specific strategies for solving them. Starting with an analysis of the recruitment and selection process, the article identifies key aspects such as the duration of vacancies and the assessment of candidate quality. It is noted that the duration of the hiring process may be related to the complexity of the vacancies and insufficient competence of the personnel department. The need to improve internal selection is also highlighted. The article then focuses on training and staff development systems, identifying problems with employee participation in training programs and the lack of a clear system for evaluating their effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the importance of providing opportunities for professional development of employees and creating a stimulating learning environment. Retaining talent and skilled employees is another key topic addressed in the report. The authors point to turnover problems in some departments and the importance of creating a motivating environment for employees. The final part of the article provides specific recommendations to address the identified issues, such as partnering with universities to provide a workforce pool, implementing a bonus system to increase motivation, and flexible work schedules to manage seasonality and unpredictability. In general, the article emphasizes the importance of effective personnel management for the successful operation of organizations and provides practical advice for improving these processes. This abstract reflects the main themes and conclusions contained in the text and highlights their importance for human resource management in today's organizations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ганна Нямещук, Ярослав Черкасов (Автор)

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