Obtaining multi-component chrome plated coatings for press tooling equipment
multicomponent chrome coatings, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, elastomeric materials, vulcanizationAbstract
The purpose of our study is to obtain multicomponent chrome coatings alloyed with titanium and aluminum to strengthen the working surfaces of parts operated under aggressive conditions on equipment for vulcanizing products from new elastomeric materials using modern methods of surface hardening of materials, including the SHS technology, with the main goal of developing new approaches to improve the mechanical properties and extend the ser-vice life of materials. As part of this study, we plan to conduct a broad review of existing methods, thoroughly study the features of the SHS processes, conduct a series of experimental studies to determine the optimal process parameters, and analyze the data obtained to determine the effectiveness of the SHS method for improving the mechanical properties of materials and extending the service life of machine parts and equipment for vulcanizing products from new elastomeric materials. Composite materials like natural and synthetic rubbers are now integral to the metallurgical, textile, and chemical industries. These rubbers enable the creation of structural and tribotechnical products with superior damping properties, high elasticity, and corrosion resistance. Additionally, replacing metals with rubber decreases mate-rial consumption in structures and machinery, reduces the production time for parts, even those with complex shapes, and enhances corrosion resistance. The manufacturing process utilized a 100-400 2E hydraulic vulcanization press, equipped with plates measuring 400 x 400. This method was employed to produce innovative elastomeric materials derived from a copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene, along with ethylene-propylene rubber. The formulation of these materials incorporated carbonized fibers sourced from PAN (polyacrylonitrile), granite flour, and aluminosilicate microspheres, enhancing their properties. The inclusion of these additives aimed to improve the material's overall performance, providing superior strength, durability, and resistance to various environmental factors.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Борис Середа, Андрій Удод (Автор)

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