Experimental investigation of the parameters of additively manufactured coaxial swirl injectors



Modern development of the intense competition on the market of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines (LPRE) is mostly driven by occurrence of many private space companies, crowdfunding space projects, etc., which inevitably leads engineers to seeking of rational solutions with the aim of decreasing production costs along with increasing of the efficiency of the parts. Usually for successful development of the rocket engine costly equipment as well as advanced manufacturing experience is in need which explains high overall manufacturing cost.

It is due to specific requirements for individual parts that application of conventional manufacturing of LPRE is typically associated with significant time expenses, decreasing the efficiency of the production cycle. When there is a lack of necessary equipment, funds, and time, it is of high priority to find new methods of LPRE components manufacturing which do not require special tools and numerous complex technological processes, etc. Thus, it is becoming widespread to use additive manufacturing which can significantly reduce the production cycle as well as decrease production expenses [1, 2, 3].

One of the most significant components of a LPRE is a Combustion Chamber (CC) which is at the forefront of development, especially in the case of newly designed engines. In some cases, designing and production of the chamber might compose up to ~50% of the overall engine cost, and its conventional design usually is associated with significant technological difficulties [1, 2]. Thuswise, it is of high priority to use additional manufacturing for further design adaptation along with synthesis of the design solutions with unique properties [4–6].

In this work the application of additive manufacturing method for coaxial bipropellant swirl injectors production is considered. 30 coaxial bipropellant swirlers of the internal mixing were manufactured using L-PBF technology. Numerous hydraulic tests of the injectors were performed with the aim of determining its characteristics. The aim was to observe individual operation of each injector as well as collaborated work of the coaxial injectors. Spay cone angle for both individual and collaborative operation mode was of a particular interest. The obtained data is analyzed and compared to the calculated values.


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Energy and thermotechnics

How to Cite

Vekilov, S., Lipovskyi, V., Marchan, R., & Lohvynenko, A. (2023). Experimental investigation of the parameters of additively manufactured coaxial swirl injectors. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 108-116. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/22
