Development of a methodology for modeling the ignition and combustion processes of rocket fuels



Studying the temperature changes of the physical properties and kinetic mechanisms of fuel combustion, especially when mixed with oxidizers, is a complex and ongoing process. The challenges in this area include the complexity, labor intensity, and incompleteness of experimental and theoretical research, as well as the high costs of full-scale and model experiments. To make progress in this field, it is necessary to model chemical processes and develop calculation and analysis methods. Specifically, important tasks include constructing both detailed and general combustion kinetic mechanisms and using them to solve a wide range of problems. This is important for the development of technologies related to fuel systems, energy, and other industries.

The aim of this work is to study and develop mathematical models for predicting changes in the physical properties and kinetic mechanisms of fuel combustion.


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Energy and thermotechnics

How to Cite

Potseluiko, I., & Ponomarov, O. (2023). Development of a methodology for modeling the ignition and combustion processes of rocket fuels. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 148-150.
