Experimental Study of Methods of Increasing the Efficiency of a Direct-Flow Air-Jet Detonation Engine



A fundamentally new direction in the development of rocket and space propulsion is the introduction of jet engines operating on the detonation principle of energy conversion of the working body. The use of detonation fuel combustion allows to increase the thermodynamic efficiency of the engine and the thermodynamic efficiency of fuel combustion. Detonation is a hydrodynamic wave process of propagation of an exothermic reaction zone in a substance at a supersonic speed. The detonation wave is the main shock wave, behind the front of which a chemical reaction is continuously initiated due to heating during adiabatic compression.

Engines in which the time of release of fuel energy in each volume is less than the time of the beginning of the decomposition of gasification products are called detonation engines. A feature of this process is a large pressure drop before the detonation wave and in the induction zone, where the reaction takes place. At such a rate of fuel energy release, the thermo-gas dynamic characteristics of the engine are improved, the prerequisites are created for simplifying the design of the combustion chamber, reducing the size, volume, and weight of the engine, improving thermodynamic efficiency, a significant gain in technical characteristics and a high degree of structural perfection of promising engine installations. The completeness of the combustion of fuel mixtures in the chambers during the detonation combustion mode can be significantly increased due to the occurrence of large pressure and velocity gradients. Along with this, the processes of mixing and evaporation change, the process of evaporation of drops of liquid fuel depends on the heat and mass exchange between the drops and hot gas. Detonation and acoustic oscillations cause additional convective movement of gas and contribute to the acceleration of transfer processes. The subject of research in the article is the modeling and study of the processes occurring in a direct-flow air-jet engine operating on the detonation principle of energy conversion of the working body. The problem of increasing the efficiency of jet detonation engines should be solved in the complex of structural synthesis using the accumulated knowledge on jet engines with deflagration fuel combustion.


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How to Cite

Stoliarchuk, V., Zolotko, O., & Aksonov, O. (2023). Experimental Study of Methods of Increasing the Efficiency of a Direct-Flow Air-Jet Detonation Engine. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 180-186. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/34
