Study of the Influence of Lathe Tool Geometry and Machining Parameters on Chip Formation Process



The geometric parameters of the lathe tool affect the chip formation rate, the quality of the surface obtained, and other technical and economic indicators of machining. The physical nature of the temperature rise in the cutting zone allows for the regulation of this process by introducing factors that compensate for it. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement a number of measures and conditions for processing each specific material, which will significantly affect the quality of the surface obtained and the tool's durability.

The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of lathe tool geometry on the process of chip formation and removal. To determine the main parameters on which the physical component of the process depends. Investigate the causes and consequences of temperature rise, as well as methods of regulating the temperature in the processing zone.


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How to Cite

Karakai, A., Kytsiuk, S., & Kuzhyl, A. (2023). Study of the Influence of Lathe Tool Geometry and Machining Parameters on Chip Formation Process. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 187-191.
