Improving the Quality of Aluminum Alloys through Modification Methods



After numerous theoretical and experimental studies dedicated to aluminum alloys and the development of high-strength alloys of the Al-Zn-Mg system, it was long believed that further improvement of the strength properties of aluminum alloys was impossible [1]. However, in the last two decades, success has been achieved through the alloying of scandium [4]. This has made it possible to further improve the complex of properties of aluminum alloys and obtain dispersed structures with strengthening phases.

Thus, the aim of this work was to theoretically substantiate the choice of scandium as a microalloying and modifying element to improve the strength properties of aluminum alloys.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Tsokur, N., & Kalinina, N. (2023). Improving the Quality of Aluminum Alloys through Modification Methods. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 197-201.
