The Role of Natural Fibers in the Development of Environmentally Friendly Sound-Absorbing Polymer Materials



Currently, the issue of processing industrial waste and using secondary raw materials is of great importance not only from the perspective of environmental protection but also because in conditions of raw material scarcity, waste becomes a powerful raw material and energy resource. At the same time, research on the processing and rational use of secondary thermoplastic polymer materials (polyolefins) and plant-based waste, which can be used to obtain effective composite materials with the necessary set of properties (improved sound-absorbing properties) and reduced cost, remains relevant. Therefore, the development of technologies for creating polymer composite materials (PCM) based on production waste is not only environmentally but also economically justified.

Previously, based on studies of the chemical nature and surface properties of dispersed fillers of plant origin, as well as the properties of secondary polyolefins (polyethylene and polypropylene), regularities of technological processes for creating PCMs based on them have been established. A cellulose-containing composite material for construction purposes based on secondary polypropylene and technological waste of the agro-industrial complex based on buckwheat husks has been developed.

This work will investigate the feasibility of using natural fibers in the creation of sound-absorbing polymer materials based on industrial waste and secondary raw materials, the use of which is aimed at effectively solving problems related to the operation of building structures, products, and facilities related to compliance with industrial, technological, and environmental safety requirements.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Skrypynets, A., Saienko, N., & Kariev, A. (2023). The Role of Natural Fibers in the Development of Environmentally Friendly Sound-Absorbing Polymer Materials. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 202-204.
