The Influence of Cooling Rate on the Structure and Phase Composition of High-Entropy Alloys in the Fe-Cr-Cu-Ni-Mn-Si and Fe-Co-Cu-Ni-Mn-Si Systems



Traditionally, it was believed that creating alloys required selecting one element as the base (for example, alloys based on Fe, Cu, Al, Ni, Mg, etc.). However, this notion was debunked with the invention of a new type of alloy - high-entropy alloys (HEAs), which consist of five or more elements in equal molar proportions. These alloys can exhibit high values of strength, ductility, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics, depending on the combination of elements. A distinctive feature of HEAs compared to conventional alloys is that they have a high mixing entropy, which determines their structure and properties [1,2].

It has been found that the structures of HEAs can be very diverse. There are HEAs with a structure based on simple solid solutions, mixtures of intermetallic phases, amorphous phases, or complex multiphase systems [1-7]. HEAs have great potential for use in various technological fields due to their high hardness and wear resistance, radiation stability, antibacterial properties, and corrosion resistance [1-5].

Typically, HEAs are obtained by casting methods. However, this process can be complicated by the fact that the ingot may have a non-uniform chemical composition, as well as significant internal stresses. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of melts to achieve compositional homogeneity and control the cooling rates during crystallization.

Another common method for improving the properties of metals and alloys is rapid solidification (RS) from the liquid state. This method allows for obtaining materials with thermodynamically non-equilibrium structures by rapidly cooling the melt at rates exceeding 104 K/s. Thus, metastable structures, such as nanocrystalline and amorphous structures, can form in alloys, which have unique property combinations. Therefore, RS is a promising method for synthesizing high-entropy alloys with enhanced characteristics.

The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of cooling rate during rapid solidification on the structure and phase composition of HEAs.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Kushnerov, O., Bashev, V., & Riabtsev, S. (2023). The Influence of Cooling Rate on the Structure and Phase Composition of High-Entropy Alloys in the Fe-Cr-Cu-Ni-Mn-Si and Fe-Co-Cu-Ni-Mn-Si Systems. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 235-237.
