Investigation of the Feasibility of Manufacturing Riveted Structures' Dry Compartments Using Non-Impact Riveting Methods



Research Topic: Ensuring the Feasibility of Manufacturing Riveted Structures' Dry Compartments Using Non-Impact Riveting Methods.

Relevance: Despite their drawbacks and advantages, dry riveted compartments continue to be used in rocket carrier constructions. Compared to welded compartments, dry riveted ones have less weight for the same dimensions and load-bearing capacity; they do not require thermal impact on materials; they have stable properties; the manufacturing technology is sufficiently developed; and they better withstand vibrations. However, there is a disadvantage - the use of impact riveting, which is applied in compartments. Therefore, at the moment, the research on the possibility of manufacturing dry compartments using non-impact methods is a very relevant task in the field of rocketry.

Objective: To investigate the possibilities of manufacturing cylindrical dry compartments of riveted structures using non-impact riveting methods. To consider typical designs of cylindrical compartments, existing technologies for their manufacturing, and to analyze the design and technological solutions that are used in the structure regarding their use.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Makodzeba, V. (2023). Investigation of the Feasibility of Manufacturing Riveted Structures’ Dry Compartments Using Non-Impact Riveting Methods. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 238-241.
