Selection of Nanodisperse Modifier for Foundry Aluminum Alloys



Study of the structure and properties of aluminum alloys treated with dispersed and nanodisperse modifiers is a relevant issue in materials science [1-3]. The paper analyzes existing modifiers for aluminum alloys of the Al-Si, Al-Mg systems. Based on classical theory of modification, types of high-melting-point modifier were selected - silicon carbide SiC powder and zirconium carbide ZrC.

The theme was based on the correspondence of crystal lattices, a complex modifier (face-centered cubic lattice FCC), and the same crystal lattice of the aluminum matrix. Criteria for selecting nanodisperse modifiers β-SiC and ZrC were established. Technological modification parameters are provided.

To improve the quality of castings from aluminum alloys of the Al-Si system, experimental-industrial melts of alloys AL4 (AK9ch), AL4C, AL4D were conducted in this work. The chemical composition of the investigated aluminum alloys was determined.

As shown in works [1,3], the most effective modifier for aluminum alloys is powdered high-melting compositions based on SiC carbide, ZrC carbide up to 100 nm.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Davydiuk, A. (2023). Selection of Nanodisperse Modifier for Foundry Aluminum Alloys. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 242-246.
