Methods for Preventing the Failure of Thermionic Cathodes Based on Ceramics



The properties of thermionic cathode devices depend on the materials and manufacturing technology used. Much research has been devoted to the selection of emitter materials. One of the best materials is lanthanum hexaboride, which can be obtained using various technological methods. This leads to changes in the properties and, accordingly, the working characteristics of the thermionic cathode. Therefore, improving the emission properties of lanthanum can be achieved by studying samples obtained by different means. Studies have shown that the structural stability is determined by the strength of the bonds between boron atoms, which are subdivided into B-B bonds in the octahedron and between octahedra.

The aim of the study was to investigate samples of lanthanum hexaboride obtained by powder metallurgy, sputtering, single crystal growth methods, and to determine the influence of grain size, impurity content, and porosity on the emission properties of lanthanum hexaboride.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Mamchur, I., & Mamchur, S. (2023). Methods for Preventing the Failure of Thermionic Cathodes Based on Ceramics. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 256-259.
