Choosing a Material for Manufacturing Thermionic Cathode Devices
The service life of thermionic cathodes is determined by the nature of the interaction between lanthanum hexaboride and the substrate metal. Therefore, practical interest lies in studying the influence of barrier layers to prevent the interaction of lanthanum hexaboride with the current-carrying metal.
The current density during operation in stationary mode is 2...5 A/cm², in pulsed mode - 10...15 A/cm², and the operational lifetime for such cathodes is 150...1000 hours.
Thus, it can be said that increasing the reliability of a cathode device with lanthanum hexaboride can be achieved by developing a stable barrier layer. In this case, detailed research of the interaction of all components of the barrier compositions with lanthanum hexaboride and the metal substrate is necessary during the manufacturing and operation of the cathode.
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