Automated Stands for Testing Electromechanical Drives of Robotics Systems



In robotics systems, electromechanical drives for translational and rotational movements are widely used. Screw drives are most commonly used in linear motion drives, both with sliding friction and rolling friction. All drives, before being installed in a robotic system, undergo testing for operability, including durability based on wear criteria, on specially designed stands.

The task was set to ensure the universality of the test stand, which allows testing various screw mechanisms with a wide range of axial loads, with load consistency over the entire working stroke of the mechanisms, with the possibility of programmatically changing the load, as well as reversing the load. The task is solved by the fact that in a known stand for testing screw mechanisms, which includes a base on which the tested screw mechanism and the loading device are fixed, according to the utility model, the loading device is made in the form of a non-self-braking screw-nut transmission, the screw of which is rigidly connected to the rod of the tested mechanism that moves linearly, and the nut, which is installed on the base with the ability to rotate, is connected by a gear multiplier to a rotational brake, for example, a controlled electromagnetic powder brake.


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How to Cite

Dudnikov, V. (2023). Automated Stands for Testing Electromechanical Drives of Robotics Systems. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 266-275.
