Power Supply Unit with Programmable Control



For the implementation of automated laboratory measurements in both scientific and educational activities, power supply units with programmable control are used, allowing the creation of multifunctional laboratory complexes with the help of a PC. There are both standalone devices and modules that do not have their own control panel and can only be operated through a software application on a PC. The main drawback of such equipment is its relatively high cost. This paper presents the implementation of a power supply unit with digital control based on popular and affordable components, which will allow the creation of a relatively inexpensive and compact device.

To build a power supply unit with voltage regulation in the range of 0...25 V, a linear voltage regulator will be used to achieve a low level of output ripple.


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LM317 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator. SLVS044Y. Texas In-strument, 2020. 31 р.

LM2664 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter. SNVS005E. Texas Instrument, 2014. 22 р.

75 Watt, Single-Output Benchtop Power Supply. Circuit Note. CN-0508. Analog Devices, 2020. 8 р.





Electronics and telecommunications

How to Cite

Yurko, O., Mospan, D., & Kukharenko, D. (2023). Power Supply Unit with Programmable Control. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 294-298. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/57
