Development of Intelligent Components for Information Systems
The modern world is characterized by rapid development of information technologies and the need for quick and efficient processing of large amounts of data. Information systems have become an integral part of many spheres of life, including business, science, management, and many others. The development of intelligent components in information systems is a relevant and promising task. Intelligent components, based on modern methods and technologies, allow automating complex cognitive processes, making decisions based on analysis of large amounts of data, forecasting trends, and ensuring optimal functioning of information systems.
The aim of the work is to develop intelligent components for information systems that allow effectively solving tasks of data processing, analysis, and management. To achieve this goal, modern methods and approaches are used, including artificial intelligence, neuroinformatics, and mathematical modeling. The work is dedicated to describing the developed intelligent components and their implementation in information systems. It also examines the practical significance of these components in various application areas, including business analytics, resource management, forecasting, and decision making. An overview of recent achievements in the development of intelligent components in these areas allows identifying key challenges and prospects for further development. The research is aimed at addressing these challenges and implementing intelligent components in information systems to enhance their efficiency and productivity.
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