Digital technology "AR@VR" as a direction for increasing the efficiency of airline business processes



Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, physical interaction among people has become limited, leading global companies to turn to augmented and virtual reality technologies, which has become a new impetus for digital transformation. The use of information technologies has become a prerequisite for the development and successful operation of a modern airline in the market. In recent years, image has become a significant managerial resource that affects the effective functioning of an airline, attracting more customers and, as a result, increasing profitability, competitiveness, and profitability [1].

The implementation of information technologies confirms the ability of an airline to effectively manage the consumer value of aviation services and transportation.

The impact of IT on increasing the competitiveness of enterprises has been studied by domestic and foreign scientists, however, the issue of implementing modern information systems in the airline management process in conditions of economic uncertainty has been almost unexplored, thus requiring further research and justification.

The purpose of the article is to study the directions for increasing the efficiency of airline business processes through the implementation of the "AR@VR" digital technology.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Kovalenko, N. (2023). Digital technology "AR@VR" as a direction for increasing the efficiency of airline business processes. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 359-366.
