The use of modern technologies in the production of capillary systems to ensure the continuity of the fuel of space aircraft
spacecraft, fuel system, capillary systems, 3D printingAbstract
The work is devoted to the prospects for the use of new technologies in the creation of capillary systems for ensuring the continuity of fuel of the mesh type of spacecraft. Long-term operation of spacecraft in outer space is impossible without periodic activation of propulsion engines. To successfully accomplish this task, the spacecraft's fuel system must ensure that fuel gets from the tanks into the engines without gas in zero gravity. This function is performed by the fuel continuity system. The paper pays special attention to the capillary type of these systems based on mesh phase separators. This choice is due to the high level of versatility and prevalence of systems of this type in the design of modern spacecraft. The advantages of using mesh systems to ensure fuel continuity in comparison with other similar systems are an unlimited period of use, compatibility with any type of fuel, easy adaptation to the geometric parameters of the fuel tank. But there are some inherent drawbacks to these systems. These are uneven cell sizes of mesh elements, restrictions on the minimum cell size, low level of rigidity and susceptibility to contamination with mechanical impurities. The performance of such systems deteriorates in cryogenic fuels. The disadvantages can be eliminated or significantly reduced by switching from traditional to new additive technologies in the production of mesh elements. The use of 3-D printing can provide the same cell size and a priori defined geometry of their channel with the required level of rigidity. The minimum cell size of such a mesh element depends on the level of perfection of the 3-D printer. The transition to additive technologies involves the replacement of woven meshes with perforated plates. It is concluded that the use of new technologies in the creation of capillary systems for ensuring the continuity of fuel can significantly improve their technical parameters and expand the scope of application.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Сергій Давидов, Олег Колесніченко, Анастасія Давидова (Автор)

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