The educational process in the technological environment of aerospace engineering development
The effectiveness of using aerospace equipment depends on the developed and high-quality technological environment of their production and operation. The stages of development, production, and operation of new aircraft should take into account the prospects for the development of their technological environment. This environment includes scientists, designers, and technologists with the relevant education, with elements of vision and forecasting the development of this technical direction; the availability of the necessary resource base for the production of the designed object; the level and quality of information technologies and research; the suitability of the technological environment for the functioning of the operational environment. Violation or absence of at least one of the mentioned components causes significant problems in the implementation of a particular project. The analysis of all the mentioned components for compliance with the technological environment in Ukraine with modern requirements demonstrates that their level, at best, remained at the level of the 1990s. Ukraine, due to the lack of focus on the development and application of tomorrow's technology, is gradually losing its role as one of the leaders in the development of aerospace technology and the chance to return to the countries that determine the technological environment of the planetary society.
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