IT technologies in modern realities



The development of the most advanced information technologies is constantly gaining momentum, demonstrating incredible achievements in the digital sphere to the world. Nowadays, a fairly high level of knowledge in this field is not surprising for anyone, even schoolchildren who, during their studies, have the opportunity to use various gadgets, starting from electronic textbooks and interactive whiteboards, demonstrate proficiency in using various platforms for distance communications, impress with their mastery of modern content.

The constant pursuit of excellence and the search for new strategies urge modern higher education to seek new or improve all known means and directions of comprehensive information and innovative learning. This process aims to significantly reconsider the current demand for professional methods as a means of implementing modern education.

To meet the needs of today, a higher educational institution should not only define the ways of developing certain specialized disciplines but also provide the opportunity to choose methods and means of relevant teaching technologies through coordinated interfaces, implementation and mastering of certain educational materials, providing the opportunity for independent mastery of specialized educational auxiliary literature, developing skills in using electronic means of modern computer technology and communication for the mastering and confident use of digital products, and ensure the acquisition of sufficient professional knowledge and skills, acquisition of professional skills with a wide range of their use.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Davydova, A., Davydov, S., & Rak, D. (2023). IT technologies in modern realities. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 419-422.
