Prospects for the Development of the Rocket and Space Industry and the Problem of Pollution of Near-Earth Space



space pollution, space debris, launch vehicles, international standards


The work is devoted to the topical problem of the rapid growth of pollution of near-Earth space in connection with the development of the rocket and space industry in the world and the corresponding annual growth of the total number of launches of launch vehicles. The development of space technology has led to a new stage in space exploration. Launches of satellites, space stations, as well as planning for future interplanetary missions have become a reality. However, along with the increase in human activity in space, the amount of debris that remains in Earth orbit also increases. The aim of the work is to analyze the current state of pollution of near-Earth space, determine its impact on space missions, satellite systems and the environment, and develop effective strategies to solve this problem. At the beginning of the development of rocket and space technology, the consequences of launches of launch vehicles into outer space were not taken into account, since the number of such launches during the year was only a few. But more than six decades have passed since then. Every year, dozens of countries and commercial organizations place payloads in near-Earth space. The upper stages of launch vehicles, which deliver payloads to working orbit, remain there for a very long time. The consequence of this is a rapid increase in the number of objects of various sizes that are constantly in Earth orbit without performing any useful role. The analysis shows that the problem of space pollution has potentially serious consequences for both space missions and the terrestrial ecosystem. To successfully solve this problem, it is proposed to adopt an integrated approach, including the development and implementation of international standards for space debris management, stimulating innovation in the field of space technology, as well as active involvement of the international community in joint efforts in this direction.


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How to Cite

Davydova, A., & Rak, D. (2024). Prospects for the Development of the Rocket and Space Industry and the Problem of Pollution of Near-Earth Space. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 7-10.
